Buckley Street crossing removal begins

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Work has begun to remove the dangerous and congested level crossing on Buckley Street in Essendon.

The Buckley Street level crossing is one of Melbourne’s worst.

The boom gates are down for about 78 minutes during the 2-hour morning peak – causing congestion, frustration and delays for the 11,000 drivers that use it each day.

Removing the crossing will improve journey times and traffic flow, make the area safer for drivers, local pedestrians and hundreds of students who travel to the nearby schools each day.

We have worked closely with the community, traders, transport providers and technical experts over the past 18 months to make sure the design meets the needs of residents and visitors.

The design for the project includes new accessible ramps under the station entrance canopies, pedestrian signals to boost safety and streetscaping work on Rose and Russell streets, as well as new cycling facilities. We have taken out 11 crossings so far and 17 more are in progress.

The final designs for the Buckley Street level crossing removal can be viewed on the Buckley Street project page.

Level Crossing Removal Buckley Street, Essendon