Final designs released and major works underway on Brunt Road Level Crossing Removal

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Final designs have been unveiled for a new road bridge to remove the dangerous level crossing at Brunt Road, Beaconsfield, as major works get underway.

We’re building a new road bridge over the Pakenham Line, which will improve safety and easing congestion for the 8,400 drivers passing through each day.

To align with community feedback, the updated designs feature new walking and cycling connections, improved lighting, and native planting – including more than 50,000 trees, plants, shrubs and grasses.

A new shared use path will connect to existing pedestrian links, improving accessibility in the local area.

The bridge will be screened in natural, earthy tones, tying in with the area’s history as a brick producing region and the clay soils found locally.

A 120 tonne piling rig has finished digging 26 piles in the ground, up to 24m deep, to create the foundations for the new road bridge.

With major works underway, locals can look forward to safer, boom gate-free journeys when the new road bridge opens by 2025.

This project contributes to the Victorian Government’s commitment to make the Pakenham Line level crossing free, with 22 to be removed. When combined with the completion of the Metro Tunnel, as well as bigger trains and high-capacity signalling, up to 121,000 extra peak hour passengers will be able to travel on the Pakenham Line each week.

Level Crossing Removal Brunt Road, Beaconsfield