Next gen engineers learn at Brunt Road

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The Brunt Road Level Crossing Removal Project recently hosted 23 Civil Engineering Construction students from Monash University on site for a real-life look at a major construction project.

The group were given the rare opportunity to speak to a project manager on a busy, active site, before being taken on a site tour accompanied by the Construction Manager and Senior Project Engineer – providing real-world insights into the type of work carried out on a level crossing removal project.

Monash lecturer Derek Hamilton said the experience is invaluable for the students, providing a real-world understanding of the construction industry.

'It will help them understand why these projects are important, what resources are needed to construct them, the planning involved, construction techniques, safety, quality, environment and contract admin.'

On the site walk, the students got an insight into the different areas of construction that contribute to the building of a road bridge such as safety, environment and heritage.

One of the students Fariha explained how she was inspired to take the subject from seeing her brother work as a civil engineer on a construction site.

'I just want to be on site because that thrills me a lot.'

She found the site walk useful because when studying 'we just get used to the theory part' whereas 'on site you get to see how it’s built.'

Another student Abdul, originally from Saudi Arabia, is studying at Monash University on a scholarship. He hopes to work on a Big Build project and one day take that experience back to one of the massive construction projects in his home country.

'Even if I want to go back later, I want to have an experience here because it's much different than study.'

The Brunt Road level crossing was removed in April 2024 by building a new road bridge over the rail line.

New paths across the bridge provide a direct link to local schools, shops and services on either side of the rail line.

We will continue working in the area until mid 2024 to complete works on the bridge and finish landscaping and planting of more than 50,000 plants, shrubs and grasses.

Level Crossing Removal Brunt Road, Beaconsfield