Road-over-rail design selected at Aviation Road

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A road will be built over the level crossing at Aviation Road, removing it forever and making way for new walking and cycling paths, pedestrian crossings and a well-lit pedestrian underpass connecting nearby Aircraft Station.

This means no more queues at the boom gates for the 7000 drivers who travel through the crossing each day.

Recent extensive technical investigations reveal difficult environmental conditions at the site including hard basalt rock, soil contaminants and a high water table.

This means a road bridge is the best option to remove this dangerous crossing.

Safety and ease of movement will greatly improve for pedestrians and cyclists with a new pedestrian underpass connecting to Aircraft Station.

This will be accessed via stairs and ramps. A proposed new walking and cycling path along Maher Road and on the new road bridge will also improve connections in Laverton.

With construction due to start later this year, we are asking the community to help shape the look and feel of the design features at drop-in sessions this month.

Level Crossing Removal Aviation Road, Laverton