Lone Pine trees moved at Simpson Barracks

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Lone Pine trees have been carefully moved and placed in storage ready for replanting as part of ongoing North East Link works at Simpson Barracks.

Updated conditions have been set for North East Link works on the Department of Defence land to include the construction of some additional replacement facilities.

Under the conditions, a new ANZAC Day service area will be built at the Barracks later this year with the Lone Pine trees carefully moved there.

All of these works and related vegetation removal are covered by strict conditions set by the Federal Minister for the Environment under the Australian Government’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity and Conservation Act (EPBC Act).

For the latest information about the North East Link EPBC approval and the conditions that apply, visit our planning page.

We’re working closely with the Department of Defence as we continue to carry out works at the Barracks before major construction starts in 2021.

Work to plant trees at the Barracks has already started and we’ve also started to harvest and collect seeds from significant trees and plants.

North East Link