Proposed Templestowe Road soccer facilities

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We’re investing millions of dollars in new and upgraded sports facilities to support clubs who need to temporarily or permanently move so we can build North East Link.

We’ve been working closely with the impacted sports clubs and facilities as well as councils, sports leagues and state sporting associations, schools and landowners to find suitable alternative facilities to meet their needs.

We plan to start the work to upgrade sports grounds well before major project construction begins, so clubs can make a smooth transition to their new homes.

We’ve prepared draft Planning Scheme Amendment C132 to the Manningham Planning Scheme to enable the land at 27-59 Templestowe Road, Bulleen to be redeveloped into three new soccer pitches, sports pavilion with female friendly change rooms, car parking, an upgraded Yarra River frontage and associated intersection upgrades to Templestowe Road.

The new site will accommodate two of the soccer clubs currently based at Bulleen Park and will also be accessible to the broader community.

In partnership with Manningham City Council, we’ve prepared a Master Plan for the use and development of the Bulleen Driving Range and Parks Victoria-owned land next door for new sporting facilities and passive open space including;

  • Three new soccer pitches; one synthetic and two natural pitches
  • A pavilion between pitches 1 and 2 to provide sports amenities and spectator facilities
  • Tiered seating
  • Signalised intersection and upgrade of existing access to Templestowe Road
  • Car parking facilities with 176 spaces
  • Walking and cycling infrastructure
  • Environmental enhancement
  • Landscaping
  • Drainage, storm water management and flood mitigation
  • Lighting

Have your say

To find out more about the draft Planning Scheme Amendment C132, including supporting documents and details about how to make a submission, visit Engage Victoria.

Comments on the draft Planning Scheme Amendment will be accepted from Monday 8 June until 5pm Tuesday 21 July 2020.

North East Link