Construction blitz begins on Craigieburn Road Upgrade

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A round-the clock construction blitz is underway on the Craigieburn Road Upgrade – to replace the roundabout at the Craigieburn Road and Mickleham Road intersection with traffic lights.

Crews will work over an 8 week period to remove the existing roundabout and install underground equipment and connections for the new traffic lights.

The intersection will also be upgraded from the existing layout of 1 lane in each direction, to extra through lanes, dedicated turning lanes and left turn slips lanes.

To allow for these works to take place, the intersection will close, and traffic will be redirected on alternative routes in all directions - from 11pm Sunday 13 February to 5am Monday 11 April.

Motorists should allow an extra 20 minutes when travelling during the morning and afternoon peaks and are encouraged to seek alternative routes and avoid the area if possible.

  • Westbound traffic heading towards Greenvale will need to use Aitken Boulevard before heading onto Somerton Road.
  • Northbound traffic can use two main alternative routes via Aitken Boulevard or Oaklands Road and onto Somerton Road.
  • Southbound traffic will have two main alternative route options, either via Mt Ridley Road and Aitken Boulevard or Donnybrook Road and Hume Highway.
  • Eastbound traffic can use two main alternative routes by using Somerton Road and taking either Aitken Boulevard or the Hume Highway.

The intersection is scheduled to be open to temporary traffic light by mid-April with further works to continue on Craigieburn Road near the intersection and on the new lanes.

Upgrading the Craigieburn Road and Mickleham Road intersection to traffic lights will boost safety, reduce travel time and move more people on the roads of Melbourne’s growing northern suburbs. With more than 28,000 vehicles using Craigieburn Road every day, including over 2,200 heavy vehicles, the Mickleham Road intersection is a critical connection for the northern suburbs.

Find out more about the Craigieburn Road Upgrade and stay up to date with the latest works.

Big Build Roads Craigieburn Road Upgrade