Fitzsimons Lane Upgrade to reduce congestion

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Traffic flow and safety will improve for the 60,000 people who drive through an upgraded Fitzsimons Lane, one of the busiest main roads in Melbourne’s north east.

With the limited number of crossing points, road users who want to cross the Yarra River are currently funnelled through the Fitzsimons Lane and Main Road intersection, creating congestion.

Before the upgrade, traffic queues were growing up to around 1.5km, only made worse by roundabouts at Main Road and Porter Street.

Design process and consultation

Your feedback from formal project consultation resulted in a number of key design changes including:

  • a new U-turn on Porter Street
  • retaining the right turn into Hawtin Street from Foote Street
  • improved walking and cycling connections at key locations
  • improved bus priority at key locations
  • a dedicated U-turn at Main Road to head south
  • reduction in lane number from three to two lanes on Main Road adjacent to the Eltham Lower Park.

Our team of experts continue to explore all possibilities to protect the local environment.

Design refinements that have reduced impacts to trees include:

  • minimising the works and footprint of the intersections where possible
  • project-wide design changes to avoid impacting underground services
  • realignment of the Porter Street eastern section (saving over 10 trees including 2 river red gums and 4 sugar gums)
  • maintaining the kerb line and minimising earthworks on the eastern side of Fitzsimons Lane at the main road intersection
  • reduced retaining wall footprint at the Main/Fitzsimons intersection.

Construction is expected to be complete by 2023.

Big Build Roads Fitzsimons Lane Upgrade