Mickleham Road Upgrade delivering a better Lemonwood Drive intersection

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Drivers, cyclists and pedestrians can look forward to safer and improved journeys, as works to improve the intersection of Lemonwood Drive and Mickleham Road begin in the next week.

To get this done safely and with the least amount of disruption, we'll close Lemonwood Drive at Mickleham Road from 5 October to late November.

During these Mickleham Road Upgrade – Stage 1 works at Lemonwood Drive, crews will work around-the-clock to:

  • remove the existing median and kerbs
  • relocate and protect essential services including water and drainage
  • install traffic signal conduits
  • remove the existing road surface
  • build a new shared walking and cycling path, kerbs, and road surface
  • install new line marking.

Delays of up to 5 minutes can be expected when travelling through the work site. Traffic management will be in place with lane closures expected and reduced speeds of 40km/h for the safety of the community and road workers.

Right turns in and out of Hillview Road will also be temporarily restricted to safely complete the works and maintain traffic flow.

Once the road re-opens the western side of the intersection will be complete. The project will then shift its focus to works on the eastern side of the intersection in early 2023.

The intersection of Mickleham and Somerton roads will also be reduced to a single lane in each direction from mid-September to early October to enable the jet fuel pipeline protection works to continue. These works will take place mostly during the school holiday period, when traffic volumes are lower.

Drivers will also see crews continuing construction of the new northbound lanes on Mickleham Road between Dellamore Boulevard and Somerton Road over the next few months.

Stage 1 of the Mickleham Road Upgrade will replace the roundabout at Somerton and Mickleham roads with a new traffic light intersection, including priority bus lanes to better manage traffic flow.

The project will improve safety and congestion for the 25,000 vehicles that use the road each day.

The Mickleham Road Upgrade – Stage 1 is set to be complete in mid-2025.

Big Build Roads Mickleham Road Upgrade