Pre-schoolers in Greenvale are learning about the importance of an upgraded road network for their growing community, thanks to the roll out of our education sessions at local preschools. The team from Mickleham Road Upgrade – Stage 1 recently joined local pre-schoolers and educators to take part in organised fun and educational activities, as we get on with vital works in their community.
Stage 1 of the Mickleham Road Upgrade is giving growing Greenvale families the transport infrastructure they need, with works well underway this month to revamp the Lemonwood Drive intersection, 1 of a number of intersections being upgraded as part of the $222 million project.
We worked closely with construction partner BMD to cultivate the program over 2 days at Explorers Early Learning Centre and Montessori Early Learning Centre, giving children the chance to slip into little high-vis vests and small hard hats as part of organised play and learning about roads in the community.
The little apprentices enjoyed dressing up in their PPE to get a close up look of a real-life piece of machinery. At the end of the visit, the project team gave each child an activity take-home pack as a special memento of the day.
Once works to fully upgrade the intersection at Hillview Road and Lemonwood Drive are complete, everyone will enjoy safer and easier trips to the Explorers and Montessori early learning centres, enjoying greater safety and lane capacity at the upgraded intersection and improved walking and cycling paths.
Crews are on track to complete the Lemonwood Drive side of the intersection by late November 2023. The project will then shift its focus to works on the Hillview Road side of the intersection in early 2024.
The Mickleham Road Upgrade – Stage 1 is building extra lanes in each direction between Somerton Road and Dellamore Boulevard, building new traffic light intersections and sections of new shared walking and cycling paths to improve safety, connectivity and traffic flow.
The project will provide more reliable journeys for more than 25,000 motorists who use the road each day. Stage 1 of the upgrade is set to be complete by mid-2025.
For more information about other educational program opportunities visit the Big Build Little Learners page.