New lanes fast-tracked on Craigieburn Road Upgrade this winter

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Work to widen Craigieburn Road will ramp up over the coming weeks, as the Craigieburn Road Upgrade fast-tracks construction this winter to bring local motorists another step closer to safer journeys and a less congested commute.

At the end of June, crews will work around the clock to begin work on building new lanes in both directions.

To enable these works to be undertaken safely, Craigieburn Road will be closed to all traffic in both directions for around 700 metres between Hanson and Bridgewater Roads from Friday 23 June to Saturday 19 August.

Road detours will be in place encouraging motorists to use Hanson Road, Medway Road and Cimberwood Drive to avoid the closure. Hume Highway traffic that would usually exit at Craigieburn Road for the Craigieburn Plaza should continue to do so, or instead use the Grand Boulevard turnoff to avoid the closure.

Road users seeking to navigate the closure on the southern side of Craigieburn Road, should use Hothlyn Drive and Bridgewater Road.

Drivers should plan ahead and allow extra time if travelling through the area. Detour signage will be in place. Motorists should allow up to 15 minutes extra travel time if they travel around this stretch of Craigieburn Road using designated detour routes. Pedestrian access will be maintained through Craigieburn Road with some diversions for cyclists.

These works will enable new lanes to be built next to the road to minimise impacts to bus and road commuters. Some changes to local bus routes and timetables will also be necessary to carry out these works.

This section will reopen to 2 lanes in each direction in late August, and we’ll continue building extra lanes behind barriers.

Local access will be maintained throughout this time and locals will still be able to access key community facilities such as the Craigieburn Stadium and D. S. Aitken Reserve.

Work on the suburb’s largest road project is also seeing crews power ahead with utility relocations working across other sections of Craigieburn Road. Crews are aiming to relocate more than 20 kilometres of gas, water, sewer pipes and drains over the lifetime of the project – paving the way for the construction of new lanes.

The Craigieburn Road Upgrade project is on track and scheduled for completion by 2025.

Big Build Roads Craigieburn Road Upgrade