Rotarians mark National Tree Day

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The Fitzsimons Lane Upgrade team in a partnership with the Rotary Club of Eltham and several community groups recently marked National Tree Day by successfully planting 300 indigenous plants along the Diamond Creek Trail at Wattle Glen.

Community groups who took part in the initial planting were:

  • Diamond Creek Men’s Shed
  • Eltham Men’s Shed
  • St Vincent’s Refugee Group
  • Montmorency Eltham RSL
  • Southern Cross Community Church
  • Eltham Lions Club, Australian Native Plant Society
  • Greensborough Hockey Club
  • Members of the Rotary Club of Eltham, along with other community members.

The community planting events for the remaining 700 seedlings were then adapted to suit restrictions, and saw individuals from a range of community groups collect and plant seedlings in their own locations.

The Fitzsimons Lane Upgrade will improve safety and efficiency for motorists and pedestrians in Melbourne’s north, by adding traffic lights to intersections, and walking and cycling connections to the local area.

The upgrade will be crucial for the 60,000 people who drive through the area daily.

Big Build Roads Fitzsimons Lane Upgrade