Construction powers ahead on Suburban Rail Loop

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Construction of Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) is forging ahead – with the next stage of early works in 2023 creating hundreds of early local jobs, kicking off a pipeline of opportunities for apprentices, trainees and cadets to start their careers on one of Victoria’s most important projects.

A recruitment drive is being launched to employ hundreds of workers across a diverse range of fields to ramp up delivery of SRL East between Cheltenham and Box Hill – from engineers and technical specialists, to trades, administration, urban planning, environment and sustainability, and health and safety.

With trains running by 2035, SRL East will open up access to key education, health and employment centres in Melbourne’s east and south east, slashing congestion and travel times across the network.

SRL will transform the public transport system, delivering the critical wheel on our hub and spokes train network. A student from Dandenong will be able to get to Deakin University in just 25 minutes, or to Monash University in less than 20 minutes.

Works have been underway in Clayton since June and the next phase of service relocations starts in Glen Waverley in the new year. Preparatory works will also kick off at Burwood and Monash, and at Box Hill to relocate the 109 tram terminus on Whitehorse Road ahead of construction of the new Box Hill SRL station.

Up to 800 direct jobs will be created across SRL East as workers prepare for the launch of tunnel boring machines in 2026 and the delivery of 6 new underground stations. 14% of all hours worked on the massive package of initial and early works will be by trainees, cadets and apprentices.

New school STEM partnership programs with Suburban Rail Loop will also be launched in 2023 to help encourage more young women into the industry and give them experience on the biggest project underway in the nation.

Three consortia including some of the world’s biggest construction companies are now vying for the 2 tunnelling contracts, with the first to be awarded next year. Major construction of SRL East will create up to 8000 direct jobs.

Want to join this city-shaping project? We’re recruiting, find out more on our jobs page.

Suburban Rail Loop