More West Gate Freeway residents are now enjoying quieter homes and backyards

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The West Gate Tunnel Project has recently completed installation of new noise walls along the West Gate Freeway around Andrews Street in Spotswood.

The new walls provide residents with much better protection from freeway noise than the old noise walls. They are designed to achieve a daytime average of 63dBA (A-weighted decibels) at nearby homes. Before the new walls were installed, some residents were experiencing noise levels of up to 70dBA.

What is noise? Learn how noise is measured.

Our crews have made great progress towards building more than 9km of new and improved noise walls along the West Gate Freeway:

  • Concrete noise wall panels have been installed near the Rosala Pedestrian Bridge, Altona North.
  • All custom-built panels for the Williamstown Road outbound entry ramp to the West Gate Freeway have been installed, and crews will soon commence installing the acrylic tops.
  • Installation of acrylic tops to the concrete panels along the entry and exit ramps at Millers Road is underway.
  • More than 2200 of the 3300 permanent concrete panels have now been installed.

The concrete segments of the noise walls are poured and set at our Benalla precast facility before being trucked down to Melbourne. The coloured acrylic segments are manufactured in Keysborough before being affixed atop the concrete segments.

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West Gate Tunnel Project