York Road Upgrade

We’ve undertaken planning for a potential York Road Upgrade to seek solutions to improve safety and create more reliable journeys for road users.


We’ve undertaken planning to investigate a potential upgrade of York Road between Swansea and Monbulk roads in Mount Evelyn.

As part of our planning, we also investigated potential improvements at the intersections at Swansea and Monbulk roads and to walking and cycling infrastructure.


We’ve now completed our development work and a comprehensive business case providing a detailed examination of the potential upgrade has been submitted to the Department of Transport and Planning.

A business case helps ensure that the government is well informed on the potential upgrade and can make an evidence-based decision about whether to proceed with a financial investment, helping ensure the best use of Government funding.

Community and business feedback

From 6 - 27 April 2022, we asked the local community and businesses for feedback via Engage Victoria on the potential upgrade to York Road. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share your views.

Feedback was considered in our planning and helped us to understand how people currently use York Road as well as their views on access, efficiency, safety and what’s important in the local area.

For more information on what we heard, read the Community and Business Consultation Summary (PDF, 959.6 KB).

Further information

If you have a question or want to learn more about the potential York Road Upgrade, please contact the Department of Transport and Planning on 133 778.

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