Civil Construction Technical Training Program

Upcoming workshops

About the program

The Civil Construction Technical Training Program has been developed for industry by Major Road Projects Victoria and the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning.

The Program will help you and your teams build key competencies critical for the delivery of high-quality Victorian road and bridge construction projects.

Training to support industry

Aligned to current technical standards and specifications

The Civil Construction Technical Training Program comprises a series of individual training courses that will provide information on:

  • best practice methods
  • current technical standards and specifications
  • key roles, requirements, and approaches.

Developing industry capability

The program has been designed to support small, medium, and large civil contractors with access to technical training to maximise opportunities for the whole industry while improving the quality of road and bridge construction.

Register for training

Further information

This program is run by Major Road Projects Victoria – a project office of the Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority delivering Victoria's Big Build.

For further information on the training program please email