Drainage construction on major projects
As part of Major Road Project Victoria’s (MRPV) Civil Construction Technical Training Program, Drainage Construction on Major Road Projects covers best practice in drainage construction including the rationale and key considerations for construction design and methodology.
The course reflects the current specifications and standards for drainage construction for Victorian road and bridge projects and is delivered in partnership with the Australian Road Research Board.
Who is the training for?
Drainage Construction on Major Road Projects is designed for those who have some general knowledge and awareness of drainage construction works required to carry out specific tasks relating to drainage design and construction.
Training syllabus
The training has been designed in consultation with Major Road Projects Victoria, North East Link, and the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning to reflect current specifications, standards and requirements and will cover:
- an overview of typical drainage design
- various drainage systems and their use in road construction, including surface and sub-surface drainage
- water sensitive road design
- drainage construction practices including construction materials
- materials handling and installation
- maintenance requirements
- how and when to raise an issue.
Training delivery
The training will be delivered by Australian Road Research Board, along with presenters from:
- Major Roads Projects Victoria
- Civil construction industry subject matter experts.
Training delivery modes
- Training is offered in-person
- In-person classes will run over 1 day.
More information
Training is available across multiple dates. Register your interest via the button at the top of this page.
If you have any questions, please email MRPV-technicaltraining@roadprojects.vic.gov.au.