6 January 2021

What to expect during major construction

The Victorian Government is removing 17 dangerous level crossings, including the one at Clyde Road, Berwick as part of a $16 billion investment to upgrade the Pakenham Line that will improve safety, reduce congestion and allow more trains to run more often.

We’re removing the Clyde Road level crossing by building a road underpass, improving safety and traffic flow, while creating better local connections.

The Berwick Station bus interchange will also be upgraded and relocated to the south side of the station, improving access, and enabling more services to run.

Since mid 2020, we’ve been setting up site, relocating services including water, gas and power, and carrying out geotechnical investigations, in preparation for major works.

This factsheet provides more information about what to expect as we enter the next stage of construction to remove the Clyde Road level crossing by 2022.

There will be changes to way you move through the area as works progress.

Text CLYDE to 0429 218 131 for SMS alerts about traffic and construction disruptions in the area.

Major stages of construction early 2021 to 2022

1. Foundation works

Piling will get underway in January to support the new Clyde Road underpass.

More than 300 piles will be drilled, up to 29 metres deep into the ground, creating retaining walls to support each side of the road, under the Pakenham line.

2. Installing drainage and services

In mid 2021, we'll dig trenches up to 6 metres deep and use micro tunnelling equipment to build a 350 metre drainage tunnel, about 9 metres deep under Clyde Road.

Drainage and services will then be installed to prevent the new road from flooding.

3. Excavating the road underpass and building a new rail bridge

In early 2022, we’ll excavate the ground to create the road underpass, removing around 20 Olympic sized pools worth of soil or 33,000 cubic metres.

A 57-metre-long rail bridge will be built across Clyde Road and more than 500 metres of new train track will be laid. New overhead wiring and signalling equipment will also be installed to keep trains running.

We’ll then install architectural concrete retaining wall segments, which will be craned into place to support the sides of the new road underpass.

4. Finishing touches

Once the road underpass is built, we’ll lay asphalt and line mark the new road, install safety barriers and street lighting.

Architectural panels will also be fitted along the rail bridge featuring images of the local landscape.

A new shared use path will be built along Clyde Road and more than 37,000 trees, plants and shrubs will be planted in the area.

What to expect

You’ll notice low level noise and vibration during piling works and we’ll aim to minimise this as much as possible.

From Friday February 19 February to Friday 26 February, during a closure of the Pakenham Line, we’ll work around the clock on the new road underpass. Clyde Road will also be closed for periods during this time between Enterprise Avenue and Reserve Street–Jane Street. Detour signs will help you move through the area.

Traffic changes

Clyde Road will be reduced to one lane in each direction between Reserve Street and Enterprise Avenue until 2022, allowing us to carry out works safely.

Road and rail closure

A temporary closure of the Pakenham line and Clyde Road will be required in early 2022 to excavate the new road underpass. We’ll provide more information closer to the time about what to expect.

Berwick station bus interchange

Throughout 2021, we'll build and asphalt the new road, install new bus shelters, bike facilities and landscape the area.

Some bus services will be relocated to temporary facilities on the south side of the station in early 2021 to enable works to progress. More information will be available at the station and ptv.vic.gov.au

The new bus interchange will open on the south side of the Berwick Station in 2022.


Can we still access local traders during construction?

Yes. Pedestrian and vehicle access to local traders will be maintained throughout works. So please continue to support your local traders while works are underway.

Will there be night works?

Some night works will be required to minimise ongoing disruptions. We’ll provide advance notice to impacted residents and relocation and respite will be offered, where appropriate.

Will there be impacts to pedestrian access?

You can continue to move freely along the western side of Clyde Road throughout works. Access along the eastern side of Clyde Road, near the level crossing will be restricted until 2022.

Once works are complete, new and upgraded walking and cycling connections will improve access to public transport, local shops and services in the area.

How long will there be traffic management in the area?

Lane closures, reduced speed limits and traffic management will remain in place until 2022 for the safety of our workers and the community during construction.

Text Clyde to 0429 218 131 for SMS alerts about traffic changes in the area.

Will there be rail disruptions?

Some short-term rail closures will be required to complete essential works at Clyde Road and along the Pakenham line. Buses will replace trains during this time and more information will be available at Berwick Station and at ptv.vic.gov.au

Will there be any impacts to car parking during works?

There will be some temporary loss of parking at Berwick Station while we build the new bus interchange. Offset car parking will be made available at nearby stations and we’ll provide more information ahead of any closures.

How can I stay up to date on the works?

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @levelcrossings

Text CLYDE to 0429 218 131 for SMS alerts about traffic changes

When will works be complete?

The Clyde Road level crossing will be gone for good in 2022.

Project timeline


Early to late 2021

  • Piling works
  • Some bus services relocated to the south side of Berwick Station
  • Long term lane closures along Clyde Road
  • Underground service relocations and drainage installation continues
  • Rail systems upgrades
  • Construction of the new road underpass
  • Rail bridge works
  • Level crossing removed
  • Landscaping and finishing works start
  • Berwick Station bus interchange opens
  • Project completed

*Timeline above subject to change.