13 October 2021

The Victorian Government is removing the level crossing at Station Street, Beaconsfield to improve safety, reduce congestion and allow more trains to run more often. This level crossing has been fast tracked for removal, with a total of 22 to go on the Pakenham line, making it level crossing-free by 2025.

We’re removing the dangerous and congested level crossing at Station Street in Beaconsfield by building a new road bridge over the Pakenham Line.

The Station Street boom gates are down for up to 28 per cent of the morning peak, causing delays for the 5200 vehicles that use the crossing each day, particularly during school drop off and pick up.

We’ve already removed 12 level crossings on the Pakenham Line, including the nearby level crossings at Clyde Road in Berwick, and Cardinia Road in Pakenham.

The nearby level crossings at Brunt Road in Beaconsfield, Station Street in Officer and Webb Street in Narre Warren will be removed in 2025.

Creating a level crossing-free Pakenham Line will change how locals live, work and travel. With no level crossings on the train line, journeys will be faster and local roads safer.

We’re now seeking community vision and values for the area, as well as feedback to inform the planning approval process.

Why this level crossing needs to go:

  • 5200 vehicles pass through the level crossing each day
  • boom gates down for 28 per cent of the morning peak
  • 3 near misses and one collision since 2012
  • 25 trains through the level crossing during the morning peak.

Why a road bridge is the best design for Beaconsfield

Each level crossing has its own set of characteristics to consider when preparing to remove it, including technical, environmental and community factors. At Station Street, Beaconsfield, the following factors show that a road bridge is the best fit for the local area.

Less road and rail disruptions
Building the road bridge alongside the existing road allows us to keep Station Street open for most of construction and get rid of the level crossing sooner. It also means fewer works along the Pakenham Line, which reduces disruptions to passengers.

Improved local connections
A road bridge will ensure surrounding streets and paths are better connected to the Beaconsfield Station precinct.

Future proofing
A road bridge future proofs the area for possible transport upgrades.

Urban design improvements
The road bridge provides the opportunity to enhance the local area through community input. This will be incorporated into design elements of the road bridge structure and landscaping around the site.

Map of Station Street, Beaconsfield level crossing removal area, subject to change.
Map of Station Street, Beaconsfield level crossing removal area, subject to change.

Shape your local area

Help us achieve the best outcome for your community by sharing your vision and values for the area. The next phase of designs will be released in 2023 after we've had further input and feedback from you.

What do you value about the local area?
Is it the proximity to public transport, or local flora and fauna? Tell us how this should be reflected in the design for the project.

How do you move about the local area?
Do you walk, cycle or drive? Tell us how you will use the new road bridge once it is built.

Local traders we want to hear from you.
We’re committed to working with local businesses during the removal of this level crossing. Tell us about your business in the local area.

Planning approval
Planning approval for this project will proceed under Clause 52.03 – Level Crossing Removal Project of the Cardinia Planning Scheme.

The Level Crossing Removal Project is seeking community input on a range of planning matters, including:

  • project boundary
  • construction related impacts
  • environmental impacts
  • native vegetation
  • heritage.

Feedback will inform the Minister for Planning's assessment of the project

Get involved

Consultation is now open and submissions can be made at Engage Victoria, until 11.59pm on Sunday, 30 October.

If you would like a hard copy submission form sent to you, contact us on;1800 105 105 or email us at;contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au.

Station Street, Officer

Removing the level crossing at Station Street, Beaconsfield will improve traffic flow in the area. This means we can close the level crossing at Station Street, Officer, making train journeys faster and local roads safer.

When the Officer level crossing closes permanently in 2025, drivers can access Princes Highway and Princes Freeway via Brunt Road, where we’re also removing a level crossing.

We’re working closely with key stakeholders to ensure changes to local traffic are minimised. We’re also monitoring traffic conditions to keep locals moving safely through the area.

Next steps for Beaconsfield

Along with technical investigations, we’ll use your feedback to progress the design for the project and to seek planning approvals. There will be further opportunities to learn more and provide feedback as the project progresses.

In 2023 we'll be sharing concept designs and asking for your feedback on design elements of the new road bridge, including:

  • finishes on the new road bridge
  • walking and cycling connections
  • landscaping.

Keep in touch

Project timeline

Late 2022

  • Community consultation

Early to mid 2023

  • Further engagement on design aspects
  • Contract award
  • Early works

Mid 2023

  • Major construction


  • Level crossing removed
  • Station Street, Officer closed

*Timeline above subject to change.