27 September 2022

Northeast view of Narre Warren Station. Artist impression, subject to change

Northeast view of Narre Warren Station. Artist impression, subject to change.

Early works at Webb Street level crossing

As part of the Victorian Government's commitment to removing 85 dangerous and congested level crossings, we're removing the level crossing at Webb Street, Narre Warren. This project is part of an investment to upgrade the Pakenham Line, which will be boom gate free by 2025.

We’ll remove the level crossing by building a new elevated rail bridge over Webb Street. We’ll also build a new Narre Warren Station with improved, modern facilities and spaces for the community to enjoy.

Early works are being delivered through September 2022 before we commence major construction in late 2022.

What we’re doing

Over the coming weeks we will:

  • set up works and storage compounds in the area
  • introduce changes and closures in the Narre Warren Station car parks
  • relocate underground services and utilities in the rail corridor and along Webb Street
  • remove some vegetation and trees

We will work Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm, on Saturdays between 7am and 1pm, and 24/7 from Friday 7 to Monday 10 October. If we need to work outside of these times, we will let nearby residents and businesses know in advance.

What to expect

As part of these works, you will notice construction equipment and crews in the area, as well as moderate to high levels of noise, vibration and dust at times. We will take every measure to reduce impacts on nearby residents and businesses.

You will also notice construction vehicles transporting materials in and out of the Narre Warren Station car park, Deblin Drive, Webb Street, Austin Avenue, Centre Road, Valley Fair Drive, Sweeney Drive and Moran Street in Narre Warren.

For the safety of the community and our workers, there will be traffic management and intermittent traffic stops around the project area to allow for trucks to enter and exit works areas safely.

Speed limits will be reduced to 40km per hour on some local roads around the project for the duration of our works. Please follow signage and instructions.

Setting up the project sites

We are setting up site compounds on Deblin Drive, within the Narre Warren Station car parks, and in the reserve along Austin Avenue.

These will remain in place for the duration of the Webb Street Level Crossing Removal Project works, with temporary fencing surrounding each site. The site compounds will include site offices, staff car parking, and space to store materials and equipment.

Map showing locations of site compounds

Your local shops and businesses

The Narre Warren Village shops and businesses will remain open for business during our works – please support your local traders. The Narre Warren Village trader car parks will also remain open.

We will meet regularly with traders to keep them up to date with the project, and discuss any disruptions or access changes to their business ahead of time.

If you run a local business and would like to speak to a project member, call us on 1800 105 105 or email contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au

Car parking changes

From late September 2022, we'll change commuter car parking located at Narre Warren Station to set up a site compound and storage for the project.

This includes closing some spaces in both the western and eastern car parks as outlined in the map below. We will install site fencing and concrete barriers around the closed car parks, for commuter and pedestrian safety.

We’ll maintain approximately 120 commuter spaces at Narre Warren Station until early December 2022. The nine accessible spaces in the eastern car park will also remain open during this time.

There will be additional parking for commuters at Hallam Station (255 spaces) from late September 2022, and Berwick Station (500 spaces) from late 2022. This will include a total of 30 accessible spaces across Hallam and Berwick stations.

We will also close the pedestrian footpath running through the eastern car park at the station that connects to Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road. Pedestrian detours will be in place. The parkiteer (bicycle storage facility) at the station will also close from late September until late 2024.

Car parking arrangements will be changing regularly in 2022 and 2023. We will let you know the changes ahead of time.

Map showing changes to car parking

Tree and vegetation removal

Some trees and vegetation will need to be removed so we can relocate existing utilities (power, water and gas) under the rail line, and build the new rail bridge and Narre Warren Station.

We will be removing some vegetation and trees from late September to late October 2022:

  • along the rail line between Len Thomas Place and Crowley Avenue
  • within the Austin Avenue reserve
  • around the Webb Street level crossing
  • at Narre Warren Station.

Before we remove trees or vegetation, a qualified arborist and wildlife handler will assess the site to ensure any trees and wildlife found are managed appropriately. We also create ‘no go zones’ and ‘tree protection zones’ to ensure remaining trees, sensitive vegetation and wildlife near the works area are protected.


For every tree removed, we'll replant 2 trees or plants within the new Narre Warren Station precinct.

Rail corridor and 24/7 works

Through late September and October 2022, our crews will relocate underground services and utilities (power, water, gas) in the rail corridor and Webb Street to prepare for major construction later this year. We will also establish underground rail infrastructure and install fencing around our site compounds.

From 7 to 10 October, we will carry out 24/7 rail corridor works while trains aren’t running. Vehicles and equipment will enter the rail corridor via Webb Street, the Narre Warren Station car parks, Valley Fair Drive and Moran Street during this time. Directional lighting will be in place for nightworks, and will be directed away from residential properties where possible.

Buses will replace trains between Dandenong and Pakenham stations from 9.30pm on Friday 7 to last service on to Sunday 9 October 2022. Visit the PTV website for more information.

We’ll keep you informed

Through major construction, we’ll tell residents and businesses near the level crossing about local impacts before work takes place. These impacts may include changes to local traffic, public transport, pedestrian routes, as well as overnight works. You will receive monthly updates in your letterbox outlining the upcoming works.

To receive notifications for the project, you can sign up for email updates or SMS WEBB to 0427 840 967. If you have any queries, please contact the Level Crossing Removal Project on 1800 105 105 or email contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au

For more information, visit the Webb Street project page.

Project timeline

2021 – early 2022

  • Early investigations

January 2022

  • Design solution confirmed
  • Site investigations continue

March 2022

  • Concept designs released and community engagement

August/September 2022

  • Final designs released
  • Early works start

Late 2022

  • Major construction starts


  • Level crossing removed

*The timeline above is subject to change.