The new road bridge connecting to Old Calder Highway will have 2 lanes, one in each direction. The bridge will also have a pedestrian path.
Yes. We’ll deliver new walking and cycling connections as part of this project to improve local access in the area.
The road bridge connecting to Old Calder Highway will feature a raised bike path on the bridge. At Watsons Road, we will build a new walking connection on the new road bridge.
More information will be available as the project progresses.
During the design and development of this project, we looked at a range of road and rail solutions and assessed the benefits to the local community and wider transport networks.
We have undertaken technical investigations and detailed design work while considering environmental and community factors to develop the best solution for the area.
To find out more, read our Selecting the best design for the Diggers Rest Level Crossing Removal fact sheet.
Diggers Rest Station was upgraded in 2012 and the project will future proof for works that might be required in the future on both the station precinct and in the rail corridor.
Building a new station would require significant disruptions to commuters and a significantly longer construction timeframe.
The project was open for the first phase of community consultation from Tuesday 13 June to Sunday 16 July 2023. There was a high level of interest from the community, and we received 128 survey responses, about 100 additional feedback submissions and 467 comments at consultation sessions.
The community told us that they:
- experience challenges with congestion, traffic and dangerous vehicle behaviour
- want safe ways to walk or cycle through the area
- value community meeting places and hubs
- value the local businesses and don’t want to divide the town.
How this feedback informed the designs:
- the level crossing removals and the new road bridges will make journeys faster and safer for all
- these designs include upgraded and safer pedestrian and cyclist connections
- the Old Calder Highway design creates new community spaces near Diggers Rest Station
- the designs maintain connectivity across the rail line to access shops, venues and services.
To read the full consultation report, head to our Reports page.
We’re seeking feedback on the look and feel elements of the designs like ground surfaces, seating and landscaping.
This feedback will help inform aspects of the final designs for the road bridges at Old Calder Highway and Watsons Road.
You can submit feedback via the ‘Participate’ tab on Engage Victoria.
All feedback must be received by 11.59pm Sunday 1 October 2023.