28 May 2019

Improving cycling and pedestrian connections

The Victorian Government is removing four level crossings between Bell Street, Coburg and Moreland Road, Brunswick. These level crossings will be removed by raising the rail line over the road, with construction starting this year and the boom gates gone in 2020.

Removing these level crossings will make communities safer, more connected and get commuters in Melbourne’s north home sooner.

Improving the Upfield Bike Path

The community has told us that the path is an important connection for cyclists and pedestrians, and raising the rail line provides an exciting opportunity to upgrade the path in this section of the corridor.

Local connections

North–south connections are an important consideration for the project to ensure pedestrians and cyclists can cross roads safely. Currently the boom gates create a break in traffic that allows for this crossing.

We’re looking at improving connections across Bell, Munro and Reynard streets, and Moreland Road, to ensure crossings remain safe and improve journeys for pedestrians and cyclists.

We’ll be gathering feedback from local Bicycle User Groups, the local Council and transport specialists to create better connections, a safer riding environment and better access to the local precinct.

A smoother journey

The project provides opportunities to improve how cyclists and pedestrians use the area, to ensure a smoother and more enjoyable journey.

We want to hear what you'd like to see delivered as part of the project to help shape the improvements for both current and future users.

Disruptions during construction

The construction details are still being developed and we will provide more information about any construction impacts and planned disruptions, including alternative routes, as the project progresses.

More information

You can contact us on 1800 105 105 or at contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au