28 August 2020
The level crossings at Bell Street, Munro Street and Reynard Street in Coburg, and Moreland Road in Brunswick are being removed by raising the rail line over the road.
We’ll also build new stations at Coburg and Moreland, with 2.5km of open space created under the elevated rail line.
Major construction is underway until 15 November 2020.
All 4 level crossings will be removed by elevating the rail line onto a continuous rail bridge.
Work on landscaping, shared use paths and community areas underneath the rail line will continue in 2021.
Major construction and COVID-19
Construction on the Bell to Moreland level crossing removal project has been deemed critical under Stage 4 restrictions and works will continue with strict health and safety protocols in place.
Working through the night allows the team to minimize the overall duration of the rail disruption. The alternative would be shorter periods of work, but over a much longer timeframe. As this work is deemed critical, we can work around the clock.
The 24/7 construction blitz is due to finish in November, when trains return to the line.
The work cannot be delayed until after Stage 4 restrictions because there is a huge amount of planning that goes into a project like this – equipment, deliveries, workforce rostering – and so it’s not easy to turn the work ‘on and off’.
The best thing we can do is to get the job done quickly and safely. We realise that this is a big disruption at an already challenging time, and we thank everyone for their patience.
We have a dedicated relocations team who work closely with the community to help to address each household’s needs.
Relocation and respite are not determined by a specific distance or exact measurement as noise can be at different levels at different locations on different days.
The nature and duration of each relocation depends on the circumstances of the residents and the duration of the noisy works at any particular location. Each household is assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Call 1800 105 105 24 hours a day 7 day if you have any questions or noise concerns.
Rail bridge dimensions
The height of the rail bridge will vary along the corridor, however there will always be a minimum clearance of 5.5 m from ground level to the bottom of the rail bridge.
The rail bridge will be approximately 2.5km long.
The rail bridge will begin in the south near Tinning Street, Brunswick and in the north on the city side of O’Hea Street, Coburg.
Privacy of residents
Screening will be installed at points along the new elevated rail corridor to minimise views from the train line into houses and backyards. For more information on screening, view our fact sheet.
Station and landscaping designs
Our station and landscaping designs are based on feedback from the community, and from key stakeholders, such as Metro Trains and Heritage Victoria.
Building heritage
Both the station buildings at Moreland and Coburg are heritage listed and will be retained and repurposed.
Heritage listed items, like the Moreland Station signal hut, are being repurposed and will be incorporated into the station precinct open space design.
Open space
Raising the rail line creates the opportunity to develop new public open space below the rail line and around the station precincts.
We’ll create more than 2 MCG’s worth of community open space, featuring over 3,000 new trees and plants.
The community told us they want playgrounds to feature natural materials and be suitable for all ages and abilities. Having accessible community areas with vegetation and trees, and safety in design were also top priorities.
Our designers have incorporated these ideas into the open space and precinct designs which includes:
- natural materials for all ages and abilities in the nature-based Moreland playground design
- clearer sight lines with more lighting for people using and accessing the open spaces, increasing safety through environmental design
- separated cycling and walking paths the whole way, including through Coburg and Moreland station precincts
- priority crossings for cyclists and pedestrians at Reynard Street
- public seating in both station precinct s for people to sit and relax
- new flexible community spaces for small events with seating, drinking fountains and rubbish bins
- local Wurundjeri identity reflected throughout the open space design.
Upfield Bike Path
The level crossing removal project will see improvements to the Upfield Bike Path. These improvements include:
- separated walking and cycling paths for the majority of the 2.5km length of the project
- wider, straighter paths with less twists and turns
- safer paths with more lighting, upgraded surfaces and clearer sightlines
- more bicycle parking at train stations.
To help facilitate construction works, a 2.6km section of the existing Upfield Bike Path from Albion Street, Brunswick to O’Hea Street, Coburg will be closed until mid 2021.
The closure will allow us to safely install power and communications for the new elevated rail, construct and operate the gantry crane which will be used to lift elevated rail into place and complete the new separated walking and cycling paths.
Voluntary Purchase Scheme
A Voluntary Purchase Scheme (VPS) is in place for this project and now that the final design has been released, the project team have contacted eligible residential property owners. The VPS is entirely voluntary and allows eligible residential property owners to sell their property to the State Government at market value.