2 April 2022

Melbourne Airport Rail will provide a greener way to travel to Melbourne Airport and deliver improved urban design and landscaping that will reflect and enhance the local area.

Building Melbourne Airport Rail

To safely build Melbourne Airport Rail, some trees and vegetation will need to be removed. We will protect and preserve as much vegetation in the area as possible, by working with our delivery partners to develop designs and construction methodologies that deliver the best possible outcomes for the community and environment.

Why do we need to remove vegetation?

Trees and vegetation need to be removed along the project route and nearby areas to allow the safe construction of the new rail tracks and structures including bridges, stations and elevated rail, installation of essential services and to provide temporary space for construction offices, machinery and equipment.

Some trees and vegetation in or near the rail corridor need to be removed because they are directly in the path of where new infrastructure will be located, or where construction and future operational access is required.

Other trees and vegetation may still need to be removed because they are close to works and their root structure may be damaged, causing a safety risk to trains, pedestrians and workers.

Protecting important ecological areas

In planning and developing Melbourne Airport Rail, we have undertaken extensive surveys to identify areas of high ecological value.

We have also carried out aboricultural assessments to assess the strength, health and life expectancy of existing trees throughout the project area.

These surveys and assessments inform the design and construction methodology so important ecological areas can be protected and retained wherever possible.

Our delivery partners will develop environmental management plans in accordance with the project’s Environmental Management Framework to ensure trees and vegetation are carefully managed throughout construction.

No-go zones

Where possible, areas with high ecological values have been designated as ‘no-go zones’. This will help keep construction activities a safe distance from important vegetation and wildlife.

Reusing and repurposing of trees

As part of our commitment to minimising impacts on the environment, we are exploring opportunities to reuse trees that need to be removed as part of this project. These opportunities include seed collection from vegetation prior to removal, reuse of trees as habitat logs in the local landscape, and mulch for councils and local community groups.

Promoting climate resilience by enhancing tree canopy

Tree planting and landscaping will take place once major works are completed.

Melbourne Airport Rail will use a target-based approach to increase the mature tree canopy area along the project route. Tree canopies keep neighbourhoods cool in summer, provide shade, create habitat for wildlife, and help support cleaner air and waterways. This approach will help promote climate resilience.

The key priorities underpinning this approach are to retain existing trees wherever possible and provide trees in areas that are widely used by the public.

We will aim to provide landscape treatments that reflect the local environments and that integrate with the surrounding area. Species used throughout the project area will reflect the existing and original flora.

Where suitable, we’ll plant native grass species to reflect the local open plains grassland character.

More information regarding landscaping plans, what will be planted in your neighbourhood and how you can be involved will be shared with the community throughout the project lifecycle.

How do you protect animals living in trees and vegetation?

Prior to removal, we will inspect trees for the presence of wildlife habitats such as hollows or nests, with qualified handlers on call to safely relocate wildlife, if required.

*Subject to relevant Victorian and Federal planning, environmental and other government approvals.