31 July 2017
Below is a summary of the information in this document. To read the full document, open the PDF file. If you require an accessible version of this document, please request one via our contact us form.
Summary of document
This report includes a summary of what we heard from our first community survey for North East Link from May-July and how this has contributed to the project so far. The survey was opt in and the results represent the views of those who chose to participate.
North East Link will finally connect the missing link in Melbourne’s freeway network between the M80 Ring Road and the Eastern Freeway or EastLink.
We are beginning work on North East Link by examining the benefits and challenges of the link. We will then recommend a preferred option and produce a business case.
We held a community survey to help to inform our project objectives and principles and the criteria to investigate how different corridor options perform.
We are now undertaking further community engagement on the project objectives and principles, together with what our investigations so far have found about four potential corridors.
Community engagement will play an important role in shaping North East Link. This survey was just the start. We want to hear from as many people as possible throughout each stage of the project. There will be many more opportunities for people to get involved each step of the way.
Survey fast facts
- 7,400+ responses online and by post
- 350+ postcodes inside and outside the north-east
- open for 2 months from 26 May to 28 July 2017
What we did first
We used what we heard to make sure our early work on the project had identified the right transport outcomes North East Link needs to achieve and what we need to work to protect as we plan and build it. These are our project objectives and principles.
Our project objectives
- Connect more businesses to customers, workers and other businesses.
- Connect more people to jobs and education.
- Make freight move more efficiently.
- Make neighbourhoods in the north-east safer and easier to travel in including by improving public transport, walking and cycling connections and getting trucks off residential roads.
Reducing congestion is a key element for all four objectives.
Our project principles
- Minimise impacts on communities.
- Minimise impacts on the environment and places with cultural or heritage value.
- Minimise impacts during construction.
- Use resources efficiently.
What we’re doing now
In early August we shared what we had found about four corridor options so far using areas of interest important to communities.
We asked communities if our objectives and principles were looking at the right things.
We also asked if our investigations into the four corridor options were looking at what matters to you, and if you thought we’d missed anything important.
We’ll be reporting back to communities about what we heard during this stage in our community engagement.