1 December 2022
Two Community Liaison Groups (CLGs) have been established by the North East Link Program (NELP) as an avenue for community involvement during construction.
The CLG will contribute to planning for North East Link by:
- Involving community representatives in planning, particularly for local outcomes.
- Establishing effective communication and consultation arrangements between its members.
- Providing a local perspective, particularly in relation to minimising community impacts.
- Assisting to identify local opportunities and issues.
- Assisting in resolving community concerns wherever possible.
The CLGs will have an independent chairperson. Relevant NELP team members will attend depending on meeting agendas.
Other members will represent:
- Communities across the project area, including specific interest groups where appropriate.
- Local industry groups.
- Relevant Councils.
Community representative positions are publicly advertised. Appointments are based on a formal selection process conducted by NELP.
At the discretion of the chair, other individuals or organisations may be invited to provide support, presentations or submissions.
Members' Responsibilities
Members of the CLG are required to:
- Attend each CLG meeting preferably in person and participate in discussions (members who are unable to attend 2 consecutive meetings without a valid reason will forfeit their place).
- Represent the interests and views of their local community.
- Disseminate project information, status and direction within their community, organisation, or network, and convey feedback to CLG meetings.
- Provide views and advice on issues raised through wider community feedback.
- Restrict issues and debates to matters relevant to North East Link.
- Respectfully accommodate a broad range of community perspectives to be considered during construction.
Occasionally information that is conceptual or confidential in nature will be shared within the CLG. This information should remain confidential until members are advised otherwise.
The CLGs will be managed by an independent chair with secretariat support from NELP.
- All meetings will be closed forums and while a preference is to hold these in person, flexibility for virtual meetings is available.
- Frequency of meetings will reflect NELPs planning and construction timelines and milestones, but are unlikely to be more frequent than once a month or less frequent than once every 2 months.
- Meeting are generally expected to run for 2 hours.
- The chairperson will:
- Determine a forward meeting schedule at the first meeting.
- Decide priorities for each meeting: the number of agenda items may be limited to allow for adequate discussion.
- Review issues to be dealt with (in consultation with NELP and the CLG).
- Lead the group and facilitate discussion and participation by all members.
- Maintain the proper and professional conduct of the group.
- Ensure issues and debates are only relevant to NELP.
- If issues and ideas raised fall outside the Terms of Reference, NELP will provide information to the relevant authority (eg VicRoads, Department of Transport etc).
- A Code of Conduct (PDF, 82.5 KB) must be signed by all members.
- If a member representing an organisation is unable to attend a meeting a substitute representative will not be allowed.
The CLGs are a mechanism for community involvement. Details of activities and people involved will be publicly available.
The composition of advisory groups, minutes of meetings and advice of activities will be published on the North East Link website and information could be included in other government publications.
The North East Link Authority recognises community involvement should not be an impost on volunteers. Reimbursement of expenses may be offered depending on individual circumstances, as determined by the chairperson in consultation with the Director Communications and Stakeholder Relations.