13 February 2025

We're completing the M80 Ring Road in Greensborough including a seamless connection to North East Link.

The M80 Ring Road Completion will upgrade and build new noise walls to meet a 63 decibel noise standard, consistent with the greatest level of traffic noise protection in Victoria.

In response to community feedback, we’re also introducing a quieter 58 decibel standard for night-time noise, making the M80 Ring Road Completion project noise levels the toughest in the state. Where new noise walls are needed, they will be between three and nine metres tall and use colours drawn from the local environment including earthy soil and rock, bushland greens and native florals. Materials include a mix of weathering steel and translucent tinted acrylic panels to help natural light filter through the top of the walls.

  • 63 decibel protection during the day
  • 58 decibel protection at night

Managing noise

To achieve the new noise standard for the project we’ll be:

  • replacing or upgrading existing noise walls
  • building new noise walls along Greensborough Road, Greensborough Bypass and the M80 Ring Road, between Plenty Road and Greensborough Bypass
  • using noise reducing asphalt
  • monitoring traffic noise once the project opens and reporting the results on a publicly accessible website.

High quality noise walls

Noise walls have been designed with residents in mind to minimise visual impact, reduce traffic noise and maximise natural light. They are designed to comply with the environmental requirements relating to overshadowing of residential properties. Noise wall locations have been carefully planned to maximise space available for new trees and plants to help filter views for local residents and provide shade for walking and cycling paths.

At some locations, such as bridge structures, noise walls are made entirely of tinted acrylic. This allows views from the roadside to surrounding landscape, and enhances passive surveillance and community safety on shared use paths.

Greener noise walls with more protection from graffiti

At key locations, trellises and creeping plants will help to further green noise walls, improve views for residents, and protect against graffiti.

Monitoring to ensure compliance

Traffic noise will be monitored once the M80 Ring Road Completion is finished. If measured noise is higher than the required level, we will take action to reduce noise at the affected properties.

In response to community feedback, we’ve extended the amount of time noise will be monitored from 10 years after the project opens to 20 years after the project opens.

How noise is measured

Noise is measured on a scale of units called decibels or dB for short. Noise measurements are usually adjusted to reflect how noise is perceived by the human ear. This adjustment is called ‘A’ weighted decibels or dBA.

63dBA is around the same sound level of a household air conditioner (65dBA).

Traffic and detours

During construction, you may notice changes to some of the roads you are familiar with, particularly on and around Greensborough Highway, Greensborough Bypass and the M80 Ring Road.

This may include road and lane closures, reduced speeds, access changes and detours. There may also be changes to walking and cycling paths.

To keep traffic moving we will:

  • use detours and early warning signals leading up to and around work zones
  • monitor traffic in real time and make adjustments if required
  • limit construction traffic and project vehicles on major roads during peak travel times
  • use tailored traffic management plans for each construction area to make sure road users can move safely around work areas
  • use safety barriers to keep people and road users separate from our works
  • have traffic controllers, electronic signs and reduced speed limits to help you travel safely
  • support people living close to works to get in and out of their properties
  • provide clear and up-to-date information including detour maps for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

What does 63dB sound like?

noise scale

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