27 November 2023
Building North East Link
We have a number of major construction sites as we deliver North East Link. All works are carefully planned and managed to make sure residents can continue to enjoy where they live and local businesses can continue to operate.
This fact sheet outlines what we are doing to manage construction impacts and travel disruptions as we build North East Link.
Once complete, North East Link will take 15,000 trucks off local roads a day and reduce travel times by up to 35 minutes.
If you feel you are experiencing excessive impacts from construction, we encourage you to contact the project team on 1800 105 105 as soon as possible.
Project highlights
- 6.5km twin tunnels from Watsonia to Bulleen
- 3 new wetlands along the Yarra River and Koonung Creek
- 2km tree-lined boulevard for Greensborough Road
- 5 MCGs of new parklands along Banyule Creek at Borlase Reserve
How we manage impacts
When we work at night, we will use lights to provide safe working conditions. We will limit the light impacts on residential areas by facing lights towards work areas and away from homes as much as possible. Other measures include:
- using shields to minimise light spill into homes
- only using lighting when essential to works.
We try to avoid creating dust during construction. Where it can't be avoided, we will limit its impact on the environment. We will:
- cover, spray and monitor dirt and rock when being transported
- spray water on open stockpiles and roads to keep dust down
- monitor dust levels at key locations and take action to suppress dust in extreme windy conditions.
Strict controls have been put in place to make sure construction noise is well managed and complies with the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria guidelines.
These controls include:
- choosing materials and equipment that reduces noise
- use of alternate construction methods to reduce noise impacts
- planning works at times where they will be least inconvenient, and always providing advance notice to the community
- monitoring noise levels and taking action to reduce noise wherever possible
- noise mitigation, primarily in the form of noise walls and low noise asphalt.
Managing noise at night
Although we follow specific noise requirements and plan carefully to avoid noisy works at night, some noise is unavoidable.
We will manage impacts for nearby residents and businesses with a range of measures including things like changing the time of planned works, providing respite periods or offering temporary relocation, and using noise barriers or changing construction methods to reduce noise.
If you ever have concerns about the amount of noise, call us straight away on 1800 105 105.
Managing dust
We meet Victoria’s stringent air quality standards, which are among the highest in the world. Air quality will be regularly monitored and reported on to ensure it complies with strict Environmental Performance Requirements (EPRs).
Controls to manage and mitigate dust generation include:
- purpose-built sheds to help contain dust from construction
- concrete roads in work sites
- covering trucks carrying dirt before they leave site.
Vibration and ground movement
Thousands of tunnels are built and operate safely around the world, including the CityLink and EastLink tunnels in Melbourne.
We will:
- inspect properties before and after construction
- monitor ground movement and vibration levels at all times
- meet strict requirements set to manage vibration, minimise disruption, and avoid damage to buildings.
Water quality
Specialists assess the water conditions across the project area before any work starts. We then put appropriate controls in place to make sure the quality of the water near our work areas is maintained. We treat and re-use water on site when possible and regularly monitor the quality of waterways near our construction areas.
Trees and vegetation
Minimising tree and vegetation removal is a priority for the project. We’ve established no-go zones to protect sensitive environmental areas including the Yarra River, Banyule Flats, Warringal Parklands, Bolin Bolin Billabong and the River Red Gum in Bulleen. We are:
- planting more than 30,000 new trees
- conducting extensive environmental surveys, including field studies and digital mapping to confirm which trees need to be protected and which trees need to be replaced through new planting
- using qualified ecologists and animal handlers to find and safely move animals to a similar habitat nearby.
Managing dirt
Most of the dirt and rock we’re digging out of the ground is natural material. However, we expect to find some legacy contaminated dirt. To manage it safely we will:
- carry out detailed studies to identify areas with contamination
- manage any contaminated materials in accordance with EPA Victoria requirements
- test dirt and separate contaminated materials from clean fill
- use facilities licensed by EPA Victoria to treat and dispose of contaminated dirt
- cover all trucks that are removing contaminated dirt and rock.
Car parking
We know that car parking and maintaining access in local streets is important. We have built dedicated car parks for our workers within our worksite, and are working with councils to manage parking restrictions.
Environmental Performance Requirements
All works are planned and managed in line with the project’s Environmental Performance Requirements (EPRs).
The EPRs identify the impacts of project construction and how they will be managed.
These were approved by a number of organisations before works on the project started through the Environmental Effects Statement (EES) process.
Map pic
Truck movements
These dedicated routes are carefully planned to minimise impacts on traffic, residents and local streets.
Northern routes
To the north of the project, there are several work areas on either side of Greensborough Road between Elder Street and Lower Plenty Road.
To access our work areas, heavy vehicles will mostly use:
- Greensborough Road
- Lower Plenty Road
- Plenty Road
- M80 Ring Road.
Entry and exit points for trucks will be from Greensborough Road only. Use of Rosanna Road for heavy vehicles is managed by the Department of Transport and Planning through curfews restricting truck movements.
These routes direct heavy vehicles away from the shopping precincts on Watsonia Road and between Watsonia Station and Grimshaw Street.
To manage truck and traffic movements around the new acoustic shed at Winsor Reserve, Macleod, a new set of traffic lights have been installed on Greensborough Road.
Southern routes
To the south of the project, there are several work areas either side of Bulleen Road between Manningham and Thompsons roads.
To access our work areas, heavy vehicles will mostly use:
- Bulleen Road
- Manningham Road
- Thompsons Road
- Eastern Freeway.
Entry and exit points for trucks will be from Bulleen Road to minimise the impact to road users in the area. This will ensure access is maintained for local schools, sporting precincts and the Veneto Club.
Traffic and detours
During construction, you may notice changes to some of the roads you are familiar with, particularly in and around Greensborough Road and Bulleen Road.
This may include lane closures, speed reductions and detours. There may also be some temporary changes to walking and cycling paths.
To keep traffic moving we will:
- use detours and early warning signals leading up to and around work zones
- limit construction traffic and project vehicles on major roads during peak travel times
- use tailored traffic management plans for each construction area to make sure vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians can move safely around work areas
- use safety barriers to keep people and road users separate from our works
- have traffic controllers, electronic signs and reduced speed limits to help you travel safely
- support people living close to works to get in and out of their properties
- provide clear and up-to-date information for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians via social media, the project website, letterbox drops and doorknocks with affected residents and businesses.
Keeping you up to date
We will keep people informed and work to manage construction impacts.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer any questions or concerns.
You can expect to see regular information from us about construction activities happening in your area, including:
- newsletters to keep you up to date
- works notifications in your letterbox
- door knocks or street meetings before major works commence
- information on the website
- news and updates on social media.
Speak with the team
Our community Hub at Watsonia is a one-stop shop for project information and enquiries.
Watsonia Hub
- 17 Watsonia Road, Watsonia – find us on Google Maps.
- open 10am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
- visit anytime or contact our project team to make an appointment.
Please contact us if you would like this information in an accessible format. If you need assistance due to a hearing or speech impairment, visit Relay Service.