5 October 2021
Frequently Asked Questions
Which mobile towers are you moving?
We're moving 2 mobile towers. One is located near the M80 Ring Road in Greensborough and the other near Watsonia Station car park.
Why are you moving these mobile towers?
The current mobile towers need to be relocated before major construction can begin for North East Link.
Where are they moving to?
The proposed mobile tower sites are a short distance away from their current locations.
What will happen to the current mobile towers?
They will be decommissioned and dismantled when the new mobile tower sites are installed.
Can you remove the mobile towers and not replace them?
These mobile towers are an important part of the mobile network and will remain in the area to continue providing coverage to the community.
How tall will the new mobile towers be?
They will be slightly taller than the current towers to maintain mobile coverage in their new locations.
Will the new mobile towers look different?
The proposed mobile tower sites include new designs that reflect the local landscape and blend into the environment. Urban Design and Landscape Plans have been prepared to describe each site in more detail.
What is an Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP)?
An UDLP shows the design for permanent above ground buildings or structures. They demonstrate how the design follows the project’s Urban Design Strategy, which outlines the vision and quality expectations for all elements of North East Link.
Why are UDLPs required?
UDLPs are required to comply with the conditions of the project’s Incorporated Document which facilitates planning approval for the North East Link Project. They also give the community a formal opportunity to review the document and provide feedback.
How were new locations chosen without the final design for North East Link?
More than 18 months of extensive site investigations have helped identify utility services, that need to be moved regardless of the final design for North East Link.
Can the community provide feedback on the new mobile towers?
Yes. The community can have their say on the proposed mobile tower sites by commenting on UDLPs during public exhibition. Please visit Engage Victoria for more information on how to get involved.
How long is the public exhibition?
Each UDLP will be on public exhibition and open to comment for 21 calendar days.
What happens after public exhibition closes?
Feedback will be used to inform the final UDLP submitted for approval to the Minister for Planning.
When will the new towers be built?
Relocation works are expected to start mid-2021.
Will mobile reception be affected during relocation works?
To minimise disruption, the current towers will remain active during construction and will switch over when the new towers are completed.
Will the new mobile towers include 5G?
Mobile service providers are responsible for outfitting the new mobile towers, which are expected to incorporate the latest in telecommunications infrastructure.
Who can I contact to discuss this further?
If you have any questions about the mobile tower relocations or UDLPs, please call 1800 105 105, email community@northeastlink.vic.gov.au or visit
Engage Victoria.
It should be noted that this information is current at the time of publication, however changes may occur. Please visit our website for the latest updates.