5 February 2024

We're getting ready to start works on the brand new interchange on Bulleen Road, which will connect an upgraded Eastern Freeway to the 6.5 kilometre North East Link Tunnels in Bulleen.

Designs for the new interchange, including improvements to Koonung Creek Reserve in Balwyn North, were exhibited in May 2022 and approved in February 2023 as part of the North East Link Tunnels Urban Design and Landscape Plan.

We’ve started setting up two major construction sites in Bulleen near the Freeway Golf Course and within the former Boroondara Tennis Centre. Soon, we'll start making changes to Thompsons and Bulleen roads to create space to build the new interchange.

We’ll follow on from the recently finished Bulleen Road diversion to realign a second section of Bulleen Road between Carey Sports Complex and Thompsons Road. This second diversion will help us create the space we need to build the elevated ramps that will connect into the new North East Link Tunnels (download the pdf with maps PDF, 1.4 MB), while keeping traffic moving through Bulleen.

In mid-2024, we’ll also begin works to widen the existing Bulleen Road bridge over the freeway and realign the freeway entry ramps. As part of these works, we’ll install safety barriers on the bridge and set up a small work site within Leonis Avenue Reserve.

A smarter, faster Eastern Freeway

  • 11-minute faster trips along the Eastern Freeway
  • 6 new express lanes
  • 18 traffic lights skipped to the airport Busway with park and rides at Bulleen and Doncaster
  • 10km walking and cycling paths

Upcoming works between Burke and Doncaster roads

1. Changes to Bulleen and Thompsons roads

Throughout February and March, we’ll need to work at night on Bulleen and Thompsons roads to remove traffic islands, adjust road markings and create space for a bigger work area within the former Boroondara Tennis Centre. We’ll then begin relocating utilities and realigning Bulleen Road between Marcellin College and Thompsons Road. Bulleen Road will remain open during almost all of our works and we’ll only need to close it for a short time when we switch traffic onto a new section of road in mid 2024. We’ll share more information for our Bulleen Road diversion works in the coming months.

2. Bulleen Road bridge widening

We're widening the Bulleen Road bridge from seven to ten lanes and realigning the Bulleen Road entry and exit ramps for the Eastern Freeway. We’ll also build new noise walls for better noise protection for residents and create new walking and cycling connections near Leonis Avenue. To support these works, we’ll need to set up a small work area in February within the Leonis Avenue Reserve. We'll install fencing to reduce noise and separate our work site from the rest of the reserve while keeping the shared use path open. We’ll be out talking to local residents about these works in the coming weeks.

3. Reduced speeds and night work on the freeway

We’ll continue to set up our work sites along the Eastern Freeway between Burke Road and Tram Road to support major upgrades. We’ll continue rolling out safety barriers along the freeway and begin building dedicated construction vehicle access to our major work sites, to help keep trucks off local streets. You’ll start to notice some changes along the Eastern Freeway as we remove vegetation and relocate lighting to allow space for freeway widening works to start. Speeds have been reduced to 80km/h during the day to keep drivers safe as they travel next to work areas. Speeds will be reduced to 40km/h while we’re working at night. There’ll also be nightly lane closures and intermittent ramp closures while we set up these work sites. Please check on-road signage for any changes to the way you travel.

4. Major work sites in Koonung Creek Reserve

From March we’ll start to close sections of Koonung Creek Reserve between Bulleen Road and Doncaster Road in Balwyn North for two major work areas. These sites will support over 1000 workers and will be used to help build the new Bulleen Road interchange, new Eastern Freeway express and bus lanes, as well as new noise walls and pedestrian bridges.

5. Freeway lighting

From early February, we'll install temporary lighting alongside the Eastern Freeway between Burke Road and Bulleen Road. We’ll remove the existing lighting from the centre median for freeway widening works. The temporary lighting locations will reflect the final design. Where practical, directional lighting will be positioned to minimise light spill on homes in close proximity to the freeway.

When we'll be working

  • Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and 8pm to 6am
  • Saturdays 7am to 1pm

While we aim to complete most of our works during the day, some extended hours and nighttime works may be required.

Service utility relocations and site investigations

We’ll be moving telecommunications, gas, water and electricity services and working closely with service providers. You may see us around the local reserves, streets and arterial roads with intermittent lane closures required for these works.

If you experience disruption to your services, please contact your service provider. We’ll continue our site investigations along the Eastern Freeway and in surrounding areas between Burke Road and Middleborough Road, to further inform our design, planning and construction staging. We’ll do this work at night on the freeway and on major arterials to keep traffic moving freely during the day.

Construction timeline

Late 2023

  • Eastern Freeway safety barriers installed and median works started

Early 2024

  • Koonung Creek Trail diverted
  • Major work sites ready to support Bulleen Road diversion works
  • Eastern Freeway widening works begin

Mid to late 2024

  • 24 hr works to build the second Bulleen Road diversion interchange ramp works begin
  • Bulleen Road bridge widening, shared path underpass works begin


  • Interchange ramp works continue


  • Eastern Freeway Upgrades and North East Link open, connecting with a completed M80 Ring Road at Greensborough

Public transport, pedestrian and cycling access

Throughout construction, there will be changes to the way you get around with short and longterm detours.

For up-to-date information on disruptions visit Victoria's Big Build.

For up-to-date information on bus services please visit the PTV website www.ptv.vic.gov.au

Keeping you up to date

There are many ways you can keep in touch and learn more about works in your area.

Speak to our team: Our community engagement team will be speaking to local residents about these works and how we can support you during construction.

Join us at an information session: We'll be hosting information sessions about our project works in early 2024. More information to come soon.

Contact us: You can also contact us on 1800 105 105 to speak to a member of the project team or to make an appointment to see us.

Sign up for updates: If you would like to receive SMS or email updates visit: www.bigbuild.vic.gov.au/projects/roads/email-and-sms-updates