1 January 2017

As part of our early work, we developed objectives and principles for North East Link.

We used these, together with input from stakeholders and communities, to assess and compare different corridor options.


Objectives tell us what any option for North East Link must achieve.

The objectives require improvements to existing conditions in Melbourne’s north, east and southeast.

Objective 1

  • Connect more businesses to customers, workers and other businesses

Objective 2

  • Connect more people to jobs and education

Objective 3

  • Make freight move more efficiently

Objective 4

  • Make neighbourhoods in the north-east safer and easier to travel in


Principles guide how we plan and design the new road.

Principle 1

  • Minimise impacts on communities

Principle 2

  • Minimise impacts on the environment and places with cultural or heritage value

Principle 3

  • Minimise impacts during construction

Principle 4

  • Use resources efficiently

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