5 September 2023

We’re fast tracking Stage 2 works to keep local sports thriving while we build North East Link.

Works will start in early September to upgrade the northern oval including new LED lighting and an electronic scoreboard as well as player shelters, upgraded walking paths and a synthetic turf wicket.

Ford Park is now home to the Yarra Junior Football League after stage one works were completed in 2021.

The new pavilion and public toilets, refurbished southern oval and play equipment allowed YJFL to move their home base from Bulleen Park, joining the other park users, Ivanhoe Junior Football Club and the Bellfield Cricket Club.

Banyule City Council will manage the works to the northern oval, which are expected to be completed in early 2024.

Map of Stage 2 works

View a map of Stage 2 works at Ford Park including upgrades to the northern oval, sports lights, turf cricket pitch and Stage 1 upgrades that were completed in 2021.

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Will I still have access to the grounds during construction and after it's finished?

Yes, the southern oval and play equipment will still be accessible during construction. Once the works on the northern oval are complete, the public will continue to have the usual access to park facilities and ovals when not in use for club training and games.

Will any trees need to be removed?

No, works have been carefully planned and designed to avoid any tree removal.

What can I expect to see during the works?

Every effort will be made to manage the impact to residents. When work starts you will see work crews, trucks and other construction vehicles in the area. The crews will be working from 7.30am to 4pm weekdays.

Visit the project team: Watsonia Hub, 17 Watsonia Road. Find us on Google maps.

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