26 July 2021

We asked the community to provide feedback on the train stabling facility being delivered as part of Stage 2 of the Shepparton Line Upgrade.

Stage 2 of the project will provide the infrastructure required to enable VLocity trains to run to Shepparton, improving service reliability and passenger comfort.

A new stabling facility is required to house the modern and reliable VLocity trains. Without adequate stabling facilities, trains would need to travel long distances without passengers, reducing the number of services that can run on the line.

Stage 2 of the project also includes 59 level crossing upgrades, a passing loop at Murchison East and platform extensions at Nagambie, Murchison East and Mooroopna stations.

The community provided feedback on the location of the new stabling facility and the project in general.

Amendment GC174 to the Greater Shepparton planning scheme was approved by the Minister for Planning on 20 December 2020, enabling the nominated land to be developed as a train stabling facility.

How we engaged

  • 28 detailed survey responses received
  • 582 letters distributed
  • 2,000+ visits to the Shepparton Line Upgrade web page during the engagement period
  • 878 subscribers received e-newsletter updates
  • 31 phone calls to businesses and residents located near the stabling site
  • 14,000+ people reached via Facebook posts.

Train stabling site selection

Rail Projects Victoria conducted a detailed analysis of suitable locations for the stabling facility, which identified a site in an industrial area approximately three kilometres north of Shepparton Station on Grahamvale Road.

The site was selected as it had operational and technical advantages over other shortlisted sites.

As the site is located within an industrial area, community disruption and environmental impacts including noise and visual impacts will be minimal.

Its proximity to Shepparton Station also means no further track upgrades are required to deliver VLocity trains. A future expansion of the stabling facility is required as part of Stage 3 of the Shepparton Line Upgrade. Engagement with adjacent landowners, residents and businesses will be ongoing as planning progresses.

Your feedback

We asked the community to provide feedback on the preferred location for the stabling facility and the broader project.

This report summarises the feedback and key themes raised by the community, businesses and stakeholders during this consultation period.


What we heard

The community is supportive of the location of the new stabling facility, noting it is sensible to have the facility located in an industrial area.

Our response

We completed a detailed options assessment to determine the most appropriate site for a stabling facility north of Shepparton Station and will continue to engage with the local community throughout the project.

Community engagement and opportunities for local suppliers

What we heard

The community asked whether there had been local briefings and whether there is an opportunity for future pop-ups. Respondents asked whether local contractors will be engaged to carry out work on the project.

Our response

Due to the Victorian Government’s restrictions in response to coronavirus (COVID-19), face-to-face engagement activities have not been permitted in recent times. Engagement took place primarily through phone calls and emails, online briefings and direct mail.

We will continue to engage with the community through various channels as the project progresses.

Regional Rail Revival and its delivery contractor will continue to work with GROW Greater Shepparton and the Industry Capability Network to maximise local supplier opportunities on the project.

An online industry briefing was held in February 2021 with more than 200 local companies attending to learn about Stage 2 of the Shepparton Line Upgrade and upcoming opportunities on the project.

Construction impacts

What we heard

The community noted there would be little to no impact on adjacent properties during construction given the site’s location in an industrial area. It was suggested that dust should be managed to minimise impacts on surrounding properties.

Our response

We will work closely with the delivery contractor to minimise construction impacts on surrounding properties, road users and the wider community.

We will use a range of measures to manage impacts, including water sprays for dust suppression. The project’s Traffic Management Plan will ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists during works.

The location of the stabling facility enables the stabling tracks to be located within the rail corridor and the driver premises will be located on privately owned land adjacent to the rail line, further minimising impacts.

We will continue to keep the community informed as the project progresses. Construction timeframes will be clearly communicated to the community and adequate notice will be provided to potentially impacted properties about the nature and duration of works.

Traffic impacts

What we heard

The community noted Grahamvale Road and New Dookie Road are busy and asked that traffic impacts be minimised. Respondents asked about the number of train movements each day between Shepparton Station and the train stabling facility, noting traffic impacts associated with the activation of level crossings.

Our response

We will work closely with the delivery contractor to minimise impacts to local roads. The project’s Traffic Management Plan will ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists during construction. Where disruption is unavoidable, we will provide clear communication well in advance to ensure the community understand the impacts and can plan ahead. Two trains will be stabled overnight at the new stabling facility and there will be a total of four train movements per day between Shepparton Station and the stabling facility. The two trains will travel to Shepparton Station in the morning in time for the first service and will travel back to the train stabling facility after the last two services arrive in Shepparton.

What’s next

The construction contract for Stage 2 of the Shepparton Line Upgrade has been awarded to Coleman Rail and KBR as part of an alliance with Regional Rail Revival and V/Line.

Major works commenced in early 2021, with construction underway on the new stabling facility, crossing loop and platform extensions.

Level crossing upgrade works, including cabling and signalling upgrades, are also underway and will continue along the line throughout 2022. Work for Stage 2 is targeted for completion in late 2022.

Stage 3 of the project will be accelerated by expanding on the upgrades already underway as part of Stage 2 and is targeted for completion in late 2023.

Thank you

We’d like to thank everyone who provided feedback on the train stabling facility location and the broader project. Your feedback will be considered in the planning and design process and we will keep you informed as the project progresses.

It should be noted that this information is current at the time of publishing, however due to unforeseen circumstances, changes may occur.