18 October 2023


Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) will transform our public transport system and help to reshape Melbourne into a city of centres. SRL East from Cheltenham to Box Hill will link major employment, health, education and retail destinations in Melbourne’s east and southeast.

The Project will slash travel times, connect people travelling on the Gippsland corridor and will create up to 8000 direct local jobs during construction.

The new underground station at Clayton will become a major interchange, with trains travelling in 4 different directions, providing faster and more convenient transport to key destinations across Melbourne and regional Victoria.

Relocation of the Clayton Community Space during construction

The existing Clayton Community Space, the sports equipment and open space under the elevated rail at Clayton, will be impacted by construction works for the new SRL station at Clayton and its future interchange with the existing station.

We understand the value of this space to the local community. In May and June 2023, we asked the community what they love about the current space and to contribute ideas for the new one, including the types of play and exercise equipment they valued, recreational space, accessibility, lighting and safety improvements.

We will relocate the existing equipment across two sites: the corner of Haughton Road and Clayton Road, and opposite the Clayton RSL just south of the viaduct. These locations were chosen as they are close to the existing site, within walking distance of one another and provide good connectivity to the Djerring Trail and transport options in Clayton.

Have Your Say – Clayton Community Space

From 15 May to 12 June 2023, we collected feedback from the community through Engage Victoria.

To support this engagement, we provided information on the Clayton Community Space consultation via:

  • Signage in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese at the existing Community Space
  • Decals on the ground at and near the existing Community Space
  • Doorknocks to local residents and traders
  • Pop-up at Clayton Station
  • Letter to properties in the vicinity of the new and existing spaces
  • Fact sheet with information in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese on how to have your say during the design development of the park
  • Workshop with community members and Monash City Council

A snapshot

Community responses

  • 27 survey responses
  • 19 comments on the interactive map
  • 74% of the participants live in Clayton

We heard from a range of age groups

  • 52%: Between 35-49 years old
  • 30%: Between 18-34 years old

Communication and engagement

  • 50+ properties doorknocked
  • 575 fact sheets distributed
  • eNews article sent to 621 subscribers with 88 clicks through to the Clayton Community Space Engage Victoria page
  • Social media posts reaching over 45,744 people

How respondents get to Clayton Community Space

  • 74% of respondents walk to the space
  • 52% of respondents drive their car or ride their motorcycle to the space

Survey participants’ modes of travel to Clayton Community Space

  • 36%: Walk
  • 26%: Car
  • 20%: Bike
  • 18%: Public transport

Valued aspects of the Clayton Community Space and Djerring Trail

  • 44% of respondents ranked walking and cycling connections to Djerring Trail as their most valued aspect of the space
  • 55% of respondents ranked open space in their top three most valued aspects of the space

Survey respondents’ most valued element of the Clayton Community Space/Djerring Trail

  • 3 – Open space
  • 0 – Colourful design
  • 2 – Skateable features
  • 1 – Basketball court
  • 0 – Table tennis
  • 2 – Seating
  • 3 – Fitness or exercise equipment
  • 3 – Climbing/bouldering equipment
  • 12 – Walking and cycling connections to Djerring Trail
  • 1 – Did not answer

Visiting the Clayton Community Space and Djerring Trail

  • 92.5% of respondents visit the space with friends
  • 63% of respondents identified Clayton Station access, Clayton Road shop access and the Djerring Trail as one of their main reasons for visiting

Survey respondents’ main reasons for visiting Clayton Community Space and Djerring Trail

  • 10 – Bring family/children/others to enjoy the space
  • 17 – Use the Djerring Trail
  • 6 – Appreciate the colourful design
  • 11 – Enjoy the open space
  • 17 – Clayton road shop access
  • 17 – Clayton station access
  • 11 – Benches/viaduct shape
  • 5 – Basketball courts
  • 2 – Skateable features
  • 3 – Table tennis
  • 8 – Climbing/bouldering equipment
  • 0 – Other

Design considerations for the new Clayton Community Space and Djerring Trail diversion

  • A total of 91 individual comments were provided from 27 respondents
  • Safety and accessibility was the most common feedback theme, with 35% of comments related to this area
  • 26% of comments were related to equipment/facilities

What respondents want SRLA to consider for the relocated Clayton Community Space and Djerring trail diversion

  • 7%: Seating/tables
  • 26%: Equipment/facilities
  • 6%: Land/greenery
  • 35%: Safety and accessibility
  • 13%: Transport
  • 11%: Design aesthetic
  • 2%: Other

Community feedback

We’d like to thank the community for providing their feedback to help us design the new Community Space.

Areas of interest

Key feedback themes have been identified through assessment of responses to the Engage Victoria survey and interactive map activity, as well as direct engagement with community members in the direct vicinity of the space.

As the focus is on relocating the existing equipment to the new space, additional exercise equipment will likely not be accommodated within the scope of this project.

If there is need to purchase new equipment, for example when the existing equipment is not adequate for safe re-use, we will consider a greater variety of equipment, including accessible equipment.

Safety and accessibility between walking and cycling

What we heard SRLA response

Respondents told us:

  • That walking and cycling connections are important to them, especially the safety of any areas where the 2 overlap.
  • They would like an emphasis on safety and accessibility in the design of the new space.
  • SRL will improve the signage along this section of the Djerring Trail to better guide cyclists and pedestrians safely through the relocated Community Space.
  • The new spaces are closer to the existing Clayton Station and forecourt, keeping users connected to a busier area, which will assist with safety and accessibility. Current safety guidelines and lighting requirements will be at the forefront of design considerations for the new space.

Amenities and facilities

What we heard SRLA response

Respondents told us:

  • The space is visited by families with young children (<14 years old). Play facilities targeting younger children should be considered.
  • They would like the existing bicycle repair/maintenance station retained.
  • We understand that families with children value the space. We are investigating how we can provide opportunities for enhanced intergenerational play into our design for the new spaces.
  • We will relocate the bicycle repair/maintenance station to the new site.

Exercise equipment

What we heard SRLA response

Respondents told us:

  • They value the basketball half-court.
  • They value the exercise equipment and it is well utilised. There is a desire to see more variety in exercise equipment and consideration of equipment for people rehabilitating or with disability.
  • The table-tennis tables are not well used.
  • We understand the high value of the basketball court to the community and are investigating the best location for the basketball court in the new space.
  • Where there is need to purchase new equipment, for example when the existing equipment is not adequate for safe re-use, we will consider a greater variety of equipment.
  • The design will not relocate the table-tennis tables to the new space.

Design aspects of the new Community Space

What we heard SRLA response

Respondents told us:

  • They have a desire for open space that includes soft landscaping, vegetation that could support habitat, colour, and general improvements to visual amenity at the new site.
  • They would like areas that can be used by people wanting to do their own thing (play music, eat food, gather in groups, community events).
  • A similar mix of soft and hard landscaping will be replicated at the new site. We will include soft landscaping areas as appropriate and consider passive irrigation and surfaces that direct water to landscaped areas.
  • The urban lounge function will be relocated and we will consider opportunities for a gathering space.
  • The design will consider opportunities to provide sunshade and weather protection at the new site, similar to the design at the existing site.

Next steps

All feedback summarised in this report has been considered and is informing the design of the new Clayton Community Space.

We are also consulting with Monash City Council and the SRL East Public Open Space Advisory Panel – a group of independent experts with specialist expertise in open space, urban design, community consultation and landscape architecture.

Concept designs will be released in early 2024 and construction will commence later that year so your new Clayton Community Space will be ready to enjoy in 2025.