4 February 2025
Works are underway in Heatherton to deliver Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) East for Melbourne and Victoria.
What we are doing
From early February we will be preparing the site to construct the Western Tunnel Entrance within the Stabling Facility. This will include tree and vegetation removal from within the Stabling Facility site, installation of fencing, and site levelling including earthworks and soil removal.
A temporary fence with screening will be installed within the Kingston Linear Reserve to enable the safe installation of permanent fencing along the Stabling Facility site boundary. Public access to the Linear Reserve will be maintained during this time.
As non-friable asbestos containing materials have previously been identified within the Stabling Facility site, earthworks will be carried out under ‘asbestos conditions’. Non-friable asbestos means the material is not at risk of becoming airborne and does not pose a health or safety risk to the community or our workers.
In line with WorkSafe Victoria requirements, workers will be wearing specialised protective clothing as materials are safely removed. Airborne asbestos monitoring will continue during these works, and dust mitigation measures will be in place.
Excavated material will be loaded onto trucks, sealed, and safely disposed of at an accredited facility. A licensed contractor will undertake the removal and an occupational hygienist will oversee the work.