1 September 2022

The West Gate Tunnel Project will take over 9,000 trucks a day off local streets and prevent an additional 5,000 trucks from taking rat runs to avoid the West Gate Freeway.

This will help improve road safety, local air quality and noise. The Victorian Government will introduce 24-hour truck bans on 6 local roads when the project is completed:

  • Francis Street – between Roberts Street and Hyde Street.
  • Somerville Road – between Geelong Road and Whitehall Street.
  • Buckley Street and part of Napier Street – between Geelong Road and Whitehall Street.
  • Moore Street – between Ballarat Road and Hopkins Street.
  • Hudsons Road – between Melbourne Road and Booker Street.
  • Blackshaws Road – between Grieve Parade and Melbourne Road.

How the project will help

The West Gate Tunnel has been designed to move trucks off residential streets where they don’t need to be and onto the freeway where they belong.

For people living in the inner west this means safer roads, improved local air quality and less truck noise for residents.

With links to the port, the project gives trucks a more reliable and direct connection and creates a vital alternative to the West Gate Bridge.

Trucks carrying dangerous goods or over-height trucks that are banned from tunnels will also be able to avoid residential streets by using the new Hyde Street ramps for trips to the port, local industry and fuel depots.

Did you know

By moving trucks and other traffic onto the freeway, vehicle crashes on the local road network are predicted to reduce by 30%.

Attracting trucks to the freeway

It makes good sense for trucks to travel on the freeway.

  • Trips to the port will be up to 13 minutes quicker, bypassing up to 17 sets of traffic lights.
  • The strengthened freeway will be able to handle heavier loads for more efficient trips.
  • New ramps and roads are designed to minimise breaking and acceleration, reducing running costs and wear and tear.
  • Intersections are designed for truck turning circles.
  • Special tolls will apply for frequent users and port shuttle trips, making the freeway convenient and cost effective.

With truck bans in place, local roads will no longer be an option for truck drivers.