31 March 2021 to 31 December 2022

Works reminder

As part of the West Gate Tunnel Project, we have been working to relocate a watermain along Dohertys Road. We have completed the relocation of the watermain and are now moving onto reinstating the road and opening the additional lanes up to traffic.

Below is an update of what you can expect to see in the Dohertys Road area over the next two months.

Reinstating Dohertys Road - Until end of May 2021

These works will take place within an existing work site that currently occupies the north side of Dohertys Road.

These works will include:

  • continuing to restore the areas we needed as part of our relocation works
  • moving traffic from the inside lanes to the slow lanes (the outer lanes) and start the reinstatement of the centre median
  • finalising connections of services along Dohertys Road
  • reopening all traffic lanes on Dohertys Road in both directions and reinstating bus stops back to their original locations once we’ve completed our works
  • at times we will require full overnight closures of Dohertys Road between Cherry Lane and Grieve Parade. Fully signed detours will be in place.

Hours of work

Our usual hours of work are Monday to Friday from 7am-6pm, and Saturdays from 7am-1pm. However, some night works will be required.

Once we have reinstated the area and reopened Dohertys Road to both lanes in each direction, our works will be completed.

There may be other closures required on Dohertys Road as part of ongoing works by Major Road Projects Victoria. Stay up to date at bigbuild.vic.gov.au/disruptions

We thank you for your continued patience while we get on with delivering this vital work.

What to expect during these works

  • Work will be completed behind safety traffic barriers
  • Increased noise from our works during the day, including rock-breaking activities
  • Construction vehicles, including excavators, rollers, water trucks and concrete trucks will be moving in and out of the work areas via our access routes
  • Construction noise from work activities including machinery and trucks and intermittent localised vibration may be experienced
  • Water spray trucks and road sweepers will be used to manage dust and dirt during works. Trucks removing dirt and rock from the site will be covered
  • Traffic changes including lane and road closures will be required. Signed detours will be in place.

For latest updates, dates of closures and detour route information please visit the Victoria's Big Build Disruptions webpage.

Please note that works are subject to change and may be rescheduled in the event of unexpected impacts to the construction program. Thank you for your patience during these works.