11 April 2024

The West Gate Tunnel Project is due to complete drainage works and asphalting at the intersection of Simcock Avenue and Hyde Street, Spotswood.

When we'll be working

We’ll be working from Monday 15 April to Wednesday 24 April 2024.

What we'll be doing

We’ll be completing construction activities and putting the final layer of asphalt on Hyde Street between the West Gate Bridge and Craig Street, Spotswood.


  • 24/7 shuttle flow arrangement between the West Gate Bridge and Craig Street from Monday 15 April to Wednesday 24 April 2024.
  • 24/7 full closure of Simcock Avenue eastbound between Booker Street and Hyde Street from Monday 15 April to Wednesday 24 April 2024.
  • Full nightly closures of Hyde Street and Douglas Parade between the West Gate Bridge and Craig Street. We’ll be sending out further correspondence with the specific dates and times of these closures.

Additional impacts

  • Construction activity and vehicles moving in and out of the area including profilers, rollers, water, and asphalt trucks.
  • Lighting will be angled away from businesses whenever possible when we’re working at night.
  • Traffic management in place to support vehicles through the work area.
  • Intermittent low to medium-level noise at night.

Changes to the way you travel

  • While the road is closed, detours will be in place, please follow the on-road signs and drive carefully.
  • Please remember to plan ahead.
  • Cyclists and pedestrians will not be impacted during these closures with access maintained along the dedicated walking and cycling path along Hyde Street and Douglas Parade.

When driving through these areas, please follow traffic signage and check traffic media reports. This work may be subject to approvals and permits and may change due to site and weather conditions.

This work may be subject to approvals and permits and may change due to site and weather conditions.