24 February 2021 to 31 December 2022
Works notification
As part of works on the West Gate Tunnel Project, we will soon begin building two new ramps for the West Gate Freeway. The new ramps will connect trucks directly to local industry and get them off local roads.
The ramp on the northern side of the freeway will provide a new exit ramp for inbound traffic from the West Gate Freeway to a new signalised intersection at Hyde Street.
The ramp on the southern side of the freeway will provide a new entry ramp for westbound traffic from a new intersection at Simcock Avenue and Stephen Street through to the West Gate Freeway.
We’re also building a new elevated Shared Use Path (SUP) that will extend the Federation Trail through to Hyde Street. It will go over the Williamstown Road inbound exit ramp and run alongside the new Hyde Street exit ramp. A separate bridge structure will also connect the SUP to ground level at the Stony Creek Reserve north of Hall Street and include a connection to Spotswood Train Station.
While these works will continue from early 2020 until 2022, below is a summary of what you can expect to see in the coming months:
- constructing five new safety nets at the West Gate Golf Club. The nets will protect our onsite team as they work in the area and will remain as a permanent asset for the golf club · constructing one new safety net inside Donald McLean Reserve for the AFL grounds
- piling for the new temporary site access bridge at Thomas Street is expected to begin in late March and the bridge is scheduled to be installed in late April. At the end of the project this bridge will be disassembled, and the area will be remediated and landscaped
- building new temporary site access tracks and working platforms at Stony Creek Reserve, West Gate Golf Club, Donald McLean Reserve, and the medians on the Williamstown Road eastbound entry ramp and Williamstown Road westbound exit ramp to allow for safe access to work sites
- piling works in Stony Creek Reserve. Piling for the northern ramp is due to begin in mid-March and is expected to continue until July 2020
- fencing our project boundary in the Stony Creek Reserve at the end of Hughes Street and setting up a site compound within the West Gate Golf Course at Thomas Street
- demolishing the northern section of the old Socobell building on Hall Street to make way for the new westbound entry ramp. This is scheduled to begin in March 2020.
Managing contaminated soil
Finding contaminated soil is part and parcel of construction in urban areas, especially in former industrial areas like West Melbourne. We implement strict control measures to protect the community and our workers whenever we discover areas of contamination.
We have found contamination, such as PFAS and asbestos, in soil in some areas of our work sites. All contaminated materials on our project are stored and removed in accordance with EPA and WorkSafe guidelines. At all times a licenced removalist will remove the asbestos contamination and an independent hygienist will oversee the removal works.
What you can expect during construction
- construction vehicles including concrete trucks, pumps and cranes will be moving in and out of the work areas
- dust and dirt will be minimised by using water spray trucks onsite, street sweepers and covering dirt and rock when it’s transported
- noise and vibration may be noticeable during piling works
- main access to the construction sites will be via a combination of approved access points from Hall Street, Hyde Street, Simcock Avenue, Thomas Street and the West Gate Freeway ramps. We aim to minimise site access from local roads
- all trucks associated with the project must comply with authorised routes. This includes avoiding Hudsons Road west of Hall Street at all times
- traffic changes including lane, road and ramp closures might be required.
- Work will be completed behind safety traffic barriers.
- Construction vehicles including excavators, rollers, piling rigs, water trucks and concrete trucks will be moving in and out of the work areas via our access routes.
- Construction noise, including intermittent short term noise at night, from work activities including machinery and trucks. Vibration may be experienced from piling works.
- Water spray trucks and road sweepers will be used to manage dust and dirt during works..
- Trucks removing dirt and rock from the site will be covered.
- Traffic changes including lane and road closures will be required. Signed detours will be in place.
Hours of work
Piling works will be required to be done at night, between 9pm and 5am, as we need to close traffic lanes. Other works in the area will be completed during our usual work hours, Monday to Friday between 7am – 6pm and Saturdays between 7am – 1pm.
What to expect during these works
For latest updates, dates of closures and detour route information please visit the Victoria's Big Build Disruptions webpage.
Please note that works sometimes need to be rescheduled in the event of bad weather or other unavoidable circumstances.