11 February 2020 to 31 December 2022

Works notification- Wurundjeri Way Extension

You may have noticed that works have commenced within the rail corridor near Dynon Road to build a shared use path bridge and the city connections for the West Gate Tunnel Project.

Over the coming months, works will commence to build the new Wurundjeri Way Extension, an elevated road connecting to Dynon Road and the new elevated Footscray Road that will link the West Gate Tunnel to the city.

Building the Wurundjeri Way Extension

Works to build the Wurundjeri Way Extension are commencing over the coming months. These works will take place from Dynon Road through to the existing Wurundjeri Way.

Works will include:

  • site investigations
  • establishment of new work sites
  • piling preparation and piling works.

Site Investigations

Site investigation works will continue to further identify utility services and better understand ground and road conditions as we prepare new work areas.

Traffic management will be in place during investigation works and we will provide further notification to residents and businesses that will be directly impacted.

When: February 2020 - Ongoing between 7am and 5pm and when required at night, between 7pm and 5am.

Establishment of new work sites

New work sites will be established over the coming months within E Gate and the rail corridor.

Works will include:

  • Mobilising equipment including piling rigs, excavators and trucks
  • Construction noise such as excavating and reversing beepers from machinery and trucks
  • Demolition of sheds, warehouses and rail structures within the rail corridor
  • Piling pad construction.

When: Ongoing from February 2020 between 7am and 5pm.

Piling works

Piling works will commence to build the foundations of the piers for the elevated road from late March 2020 and will take up to seven months to complete. Piles will be constructed using a combination of bored and driven piling.

Works will take place within E Gate beginning near Dynon Road, moving south - east toward Dudley Street and Wurundjeri Way. Piling locations are shown in the map below.

Noise and vibration may be noticeable during these works. Works are scheduled to take place between 7am to 5pm and when required between 7pm and 5am.

What to expect during construction

  • Works completed both during the day and at night time
  • We will notify you if there are any significant changes to the timing of our works
  • Traffic management will be in place to manage changed conditions including temporary access changes and signage to guide road users and cyclists
  • Dust will be managed on-site
  • Piling works can create increased levels of noise and may also cause some vibration
  • Assessments have been conducted, which indicate the noise levels are expected to remain within permissible levels as documented in the project’s Environmental Performance Requirements.

For updates and more information about our works, please visit Victoria's Big Build Disruptions webpage.

If you have any questions, our team is available 24 hours a day on 1800 105 105.

Thank you

We appreciate our work can be disruptive and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.