Designs have been released for the closure of the level crossing at Station Street, Officer, which include a new pedestrian and cyclist connection on the north and south of the rail line, improving access to Officer Station.
The level crossing will close on Saturday 18 May, with the road permanently closed on either side of the rail line and vehicles no longer able to travel across the rail tracks.
Once the road is closed, drivers can access Princes Highway and Princes Freeway via a boom gate-free Brunt Road.
Community feedback has helped shape the final designs for the Station Street, Officer level crossing closure.
Once the project is complete, access to Officer Station will be easier and safer, with new pedestrian and cycling path connections. We'll also undertake works on either side of the rail line to improve the road condition, including kerbing and signage, and new line marking to clearly signal the changed traffic route.
More than 3000 new plants, trees and shrubs and grasses will be planted once the road is closed and boom gates are removed.
To ensure local traffic continues to move safely and efficiently, we're staging works by removing the Brunt Road level crossing before closing Station Street, Officer.
Construction at Station Street will start in May and the level crossing will permanently close from Saturday 18 May.
Closing this level crossing will improve safety, with 6 near misses at the level crossing since 2012, reduce congestion and contribute to a level crossing free Pakenham Line by 2025.
Read our community update to learn more about final designs and major construction.