Road bridge readies for new surface at Diggers Rest

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We have been busy pouring concrete slabs to ready the new Old Calder Highway road bridge for asphalting works later this year.

The Old Calder Highway and Watsons Road level crossings are being removed to improve safety and ease congestion in the heart of Diggers Rest.

Since completing retaining walls and installing beams to form the Old Calder Highway bridge earlier this year, we have been hard at work pouring about 800 cubic metres of concrete to form the base slab for the bridge.

The bridge will take traffic over the rail line south of Stan Payne Reserve, before turning north and connecting to Diggers Rest-Coimadi Road.

Work is also well underway on the new roundabout at the bridge’s intersection with the Old Calder Highway, which will ensure vehicles and cyclists can safely use the road bridge.

The bridge includes a raised cycling path to separate vehicles and cyclists.

Meanwhile, work is also ramping up at Watsons Road, with utility works and piling on the eastern retaining wall nearing completion. Piling works on the western retaining wall will start in the coming weeks.

The new bridge will include separated pedestrian access to ensure connectivity across the rail corridor for future developments north of Diggers Rest.

More than 8000 vehicles use the 2 level crossings every day, with 27 trains travelling through the boom gates during the morning peak, creating 36 minutes of boom gate down time.

The road bridges will open in 2025, bringing the Sunbury Line one step closer to being level crossing free.

Level Crossing Removal Old Calder Highway, Diggers RestWatsons Road, Diggers Rest