Victoria’s first green roof park and ride will be built as part of North East Link creating 300 jobs and shaving 30% off bus passengers’ commutes along an upgraded Eastern Freeway.
Bulleen Park & Ride has been fast-tracked by 4 years and will include multi-level parking for 370 cars, additional quick drop-off and pick-up parking bays, bike and pedestrian paths linked to the green roof, bike storage cage, myki machines and toilets.
Construction of the $69 million facility will start next year and be complete by 2022.
The park and ride will also be given a safety boost, with CCTV monitoring the site 24/7 and it will have facilities for Protective Services officers.
The design and layout of the Bulleen and Doncaster park and rides will see passengers get on buses quicker and reduce queue times. Car park technology will show the number of car parks available on each level.
The state’s first 5000 square metre green roof will be landscaped and have walking and cycling paths connecting the new park and ride with Koonung Creek Trail and Thompsons Road.
About 300 jobs will be created during construction including truck drivers, concreters, electricians, plumbers, traffic controllers, cleaners, labourers and steel fixers.
Building the Bulleen Park & Ride 4 years earlier will ensure it will be built before major works start on North East Link and avoiding disruptions for residents and businesses, passengers and motorists. A temporary park and ride at Doncaster is also no longer needed, further reducing disruption in the north east.
The park and ride was to be completed by 2027 at its former location on Bulleen Road. The design has been refined with the new location reducing bus commuter impacts, having better access to the Eastern Freeway, causing less disruptions for residents and businesses and be completed 4 years earlier.
Buses will travel uninterrupted up to 100km/h along an upgraded Eastern Freeway featuring an express busway, cutting commute times by up to 30%.
North East Link will connect the M80 to the Eastern Freeway, reduce travel times by up to 35 minutes, take 15,000 trucks off local roads and create 10,000 jobs.
Read more about Bulleen Park & Ride.
Update April 2021:
The Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) for Bulleen Park & Ride was on public exhibition from 2 November until 5pm on 7 December – 15 days longer than required to give people time to view the plans, read the report and ask questions. Read the consultation report.