Flora and fauna artwork adorns acoustic shed

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The acoustic shed in Winsor Reserve has had a makeover, with artwork from Victorian artist Tai Snaith now installed along part of the exterior walls.

The artwork extends for 140 metres along the Somers Avenue side, and features local flora and fauna including 18 different species of local animals.

Tai Snaith worked with local residents to finalise the design, with the artwork depicting a story from morning to night including images of frogs, flying foxes, powerful owls, and wombats amongst other wildlife.

The acoustic shed helps to minimise noise, dust and light spill, with dirt and rock excavated during construction of the North East Link tunnels stored in the shed before it is safely loaded onto trucks, covered and taken to approved disposal sites.

The North East Link tunnel boring machines are continuing their journey from Watsonia to Bulleen, and are expected to finish tunnelling in 2026 before North East Link opens in 2028.

A video showing the installation of the artwork can be viewed below.

North East Link