As crews prepare for major works to ramp up on the Craigieburn Road Upgrade later this year, we’re doing all we can to encourage the local environment to thrive before, during and after construction.
Along with our construction partner, Fulton Hogan, we identified more than 25 young River Red Gums seedlings last year, along Mickleham Road north of the Craigieburn Road intersection. The seedlings began to grow through a process called ‘natural regeneration’ – where seeds fall from nearby trees and begin to germinate.
Routine roadside grass mowing as part of the upgrade would have resulted in these seedlings being destroyed, however once we identified them, they were able to be protected and preserved. Tree stakes and mulch were put in place to mark out the trees and we've watered them over the summer months.
About a year on, up to 30 of those then seedlings have thrived, with each River Red Gum growing to a height of approximately 2 metres.
To build the much-needed upgrade, construction may disturb the local environment, so we’re working hard to minimise our impact by protecting wildlife and significant trees and vegetation.
As we identify additional seedlings that may have naturally regenerated from trees in the area, we’ll work with our construction partner to preserve these seedlings as necessary.
Through careful design considerations, we've reduced the number of trees that were to be removed. The size and scope of the Craigieburn Road Upgrade means we’ve had to remove some trees and vegetation, however through design refinements we’ve been able to preserve many trees originally planned for removal.
We are currently finalising landscaping plans and will plant new shrubs and vegetation across the project area.
Recycled and reused content
The project is incorporating the Victorian Government’s Recycled First Policy, which for the first time in Australian history requires contractors to incorporate as much recycled and reused content as possible into transport projects.
We're also exploring the use of industrial waste by-products for the upgrade such as
- aggregate in asphalt
- reclaimed asphalt
- crushed concrete
- crushed brick.
Earlier this year, we completed a major upgrade of the Craigieburn Road and Mickleham Road intersection, removing the roundabout for temporary traffic lights and making the road smoother and safer for motorists. Over the coming months, crews will continue working at the intersection to complete the remaining sections including building remaining lanes, installing permanent traffic lights and other associated works.
During the remaining winter months, crews will focus their energies on utility works on Champion Parade and Cimberwood Drive, while works to increase the capacity of the Hume Highway intersection will continue.
Motorists are encouraged to plan their journeys. Visit the Craigieburn Road Upgrade page for more details.