It’s been 12 months since work began to transform Clyde Road – and what a year it’s been!
We’re on the home stretch for utility relocation and protection works, with more than 80% now complete.
To reduce disruption to motorists, we’ve removed 1 km of centre median between Kangan and Bemersyde drives and placed temporary asphalt and line marking so we can keep traffic moving while we widen Clyde Road behind barriers.
It’s been all systems go at the bridge over the Princes Freeway, with over 2,000 tonnes of earth removed as we prepare to widen it from 6 to 10 lanes.
This is by far the biggest part of the project, which will see us add new through and turning lanes, increasing capacity and improving access to the Princes Freeway and surrounding hospital and education precinct.
To ensure a strong foundation for the expanded bridge, we’ll drill bore holes up to 17 metres deep (about the height of a 4-storey building) before filling them with reinforced concrete.
We’ll adopt a bored method of piling for this work, with creates less noise and vibration and therefore causes less impact to nearby residents.
The 5.6-metre-high centre median wall will be the next big step, followed by the installation of 14 massive bridge beams, each weighing 48 tonnes and spanning 74 metre.
Find out more about the Clyde Road Upgrade.