Past met present on the rails as The Gippslander steam train travelled across the newly constructed Kilmany Rail Bridge for the first time this week.
A special sight for trainspotters, The Gippslander - double-headed by the preserved R761 and A2 986 steam engines – travelled throughout Gippsland, including trips over the new 90-metre rail bridge at Kilmany.
With the Kilmany Rail Bridge moving into place on the rail line in July, passengers on V/Line services have been enjoying the views from the new bridge and this week it was the steam engines’ turn to head across it too.
The Princes Highway East Upgrade is adding 43 kilometres of new lanes to the Princes Highway between Traralgon and Sale. This is the third and final stage of the project, which will add an extra 5km of consistent 2 lane highway.
This will make for easier road and rail journeys throughout Gippsland for residents, commuters and visitors alike.
Crews are working to dig out approximately 50,000 tonnes of material to create the area for the 4 lanes of highway traffic that will run underneath the bridge.
The new rail-over-road bridge replaces the existing rail underpass that was built around 1965.
The new lanes will bring immediate safety improvements for up to 15,000 motorists who use this stretch of road every day and improve journey times between Traralgon and Sale.
A range of safety improvements will be delivered including, wider shoulders and centre median with flexible safety barriers to improve safety by reducing the risk of run-off road and head-on crashes.
This stretch of road is also a gateway to a range of Gippsland tourist destinations including the snowfields and Gippsland Lakes. The project will make travel safer for day-trippers and holidaymakers, helping the region recover from the devastating bushfire season, through increased tourism.
The Princes Highway East Upgrade is due to be completed in 2024.