The Environment Effects Statement (EES) for the Yan Yean Road Upgrade - Stage 2 is now available and on public exhibition.
Stage 2 will continue the upgrade of Yan Yean Road, adding an additional lane in each direction between Kurrak Road, Yarrambat and Bridge Inn Road, Doreen.
The EES examines the potential environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts of the project and identifies how they will be avoided, mitigated or managed.
To inform the EES, a team of independent specialists was engaged to carry out a series of technical investigations and collate the results into a number of reports.
The areas of study include:
- effects on transport capacity and connectivity
- effects on biodiversity, including arboriculture, flora and fauna
- effects on cultural values, including Aboriginal and historic cultural heritage
- effects on land uses, businesses and social assets
- effects on the physical environment, including air quality, surface water, groundwater, land contamination, noise and vibration
- developing a landscape strategy for the project.
What’s in the EES?
The EES is made up of:
- the main report
- technical appendices
- a map book containing current design drawings, plans showing land required and no-go zones for protected vegetation along the road
- the draft Planning Scheme Amendment.
The EES process is overseen by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
The EES is on public exhibition until 5pm, 9 October 2020.
For more information, see the Yan Yean Road Upgrade - EES page on the Major Road Projects Victoria website.