New details about the extensive opportunities for more homes, jobs and economic activity in the areas around the new Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) train stations have been revealed, with the release of plans for community consultation.
Victorians will soon be able to have another say on Australia’s largest housing project when the draft structure plans and draft planning scheme amendments for the neighbourhoods around the six underground SRL East train stations open for public comment next month.
SRL East will help deliver an additional 70,000 homes and 230,000 additional jobs in the areas around the stations – where people want to live next to world-class public transport.
To do this, we need to change some of the planning rules in these neighbourhoods. The draft structure plans and planning scheme amendments will, when approved, guide development of these areas over the next 15 years and introduce new rules to streamline planning approvals.
The neighbourhoods around SRL East stations will be thriving, vibrant communities as they grow, with new rules to protect sunlight over key parks and open spaces, and which will ensure new buildings are inviting at street level. The draft plans propose new open spaces, walking and cycling paths, and greener streets, as well as initial planning to support the future school, kindergarten, childcare and hospital needs of each community.
We have been speaking regularly with communities and other stakeholders for several years to map out the priorities, visions and directions that will shape the future of these neighbourhoods. Nearly 10,000 responses and submissions have been received, and this feedback has helped shape the draft structure plans, including changes such as the reduction of some proposed building heights.
From 17 March until 22 April, residents, traders, councils and other local organisations will be able to make submissions to help shape the future of their communities via the SRLA Engage Victoria page.
Once submissions have closed, an advisory committee will be established, with public hearings expected later this year. Structure plans and planning scheme amendments are expected to be finalised in 2026.