Second pedestrian bridge now open to the community

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A brand-new pedestrian bridge, replacing the outdated bridge from the 1970s, has now opened to the community - linking the suburbs of Spotswood and Yarraville.

It’s the second of 2 new pedestrian bridges over the West Gate Freeway, which were built as part of the West Gate Tunnel Project.

The original bridge between Muir Street Spotswood and Fogarty Avenue Yarraville was not long enough to span the width of the wider freeway and not up to modern standards.

The new bridge provides improved safety features such as CCTV, lighting and higher barriers.

It’s also wider to allow pedestrians and cyclists to comfortably share the space, making it easier for people on either side of the freeway to get around.

The new bridge gives residents better access to essential community services, such as schools, on either side of the West Gate Freeway.

While the bridge and ramps are now open to the public, crews are finalising installation of handrails on the staircases to ensure that they are safe for use. The staircases will be closed until the works are completed; this is estimated to be early next year.

Learn more about our West Gate Freeway widening works.

West Gate Tunnel Project